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Sales, deals, and steals - formerly known as the "PE DOTD" thread.



  • @PWRRYD said:

    @Nicholas_23 said:
    Thanks for the post Ben. Sigh , pulled the trigger on the NOS M18 vifa's

    So they went from 13 in stock to 11 :)

    I know I've seen this asked before, but... Where do you see the in-stock count?

  • You can select a number when ordering, and if you go over the number it will say they don't have enough to fill the order.

  • I'll put something crazy like 1000 in my shopping cart. When I view my cart it will say X amount in stock and Y amount on back order.

  • @Nicholas_23 said:
    Thanks for the post Ben. Sigh , pulled the trigger on the NOS M18 vifa's

    You should share some pics of your vintage Vifa collection, it is quite impressive. Not as cool as my Radio Shack museum - but what is?

    I have a signature.
  • Speaking of, I still have a pair here for you.

    I have a signature.
  • PE has 12% off with code PREZ12 through the 21st.


  • Solen is clearing out Eton drivers, so I'm guessing they may be leaving diy.

  • Let's face it, they weren't exactly jumping off the shelves.

    I'm not deaf, I'm just not listening.
  • I've always thought those Arcosia black and silver drivers would make a beautiful speaker. But I couldn't pull the trigger even if they were on sale for 50% off.

  • edited February 2023

    Looks like the discount code works with the buyouts as well.
    They buyouts are a little spendy though.
    I'd like to see your collection Nick.

  • @a4eaudio said:
    I've always thought those Arcosia black and silver drivers would make a beautiful speaker. But I couldn't pull the trigger even if they were on sale for 50% off.

    They look cool.
    I do not see any Eton drivers on the Mad site. Looks like they no longer have them.

  • @Mitchell_Cote said:
    Looks like the discount code works with the buyouts as well.

    Yep, I got the email with the discount code this morning. But put my order in Saturday night. Debating whether to call them and try to get the discount applied.

  • The price of Eton's may be justified, but it's hard to say with the limited data they release. I hate to see them leave, because I most likely would have eventually tried them

  • For a German company their FR graphs look like they are drawn with a Crayon.

  • @Tom_S said:
    SB 6.5" aluminum cone at around 50% off - that's really tempting!!

    That's one of my favorites of the current batch. Trying to resist....

    Keep an open mind, but don't let your brain fall out.

    Sehlin Sound Solutions
  • Etons always looked bitchin, but yeah, to rich for my wallet.

  • The Etons get mediocre to terrible feedback for the money at hificompass. I personally haven't tried them, but it may be worth looking into.

  • I have a pair of the Orchestra 11-612 in a 3-way. Solid bass, little distortion, easy to cross. That being said they were only $135 each from Madisound when purchased in 2021. Very happy with the purchase.

  • I remember liking how those sounded in your 3 way.

  • The PE site is seriously screwed up today. They only list 8 different woofers right now.

  • @PWRRYD said:
    I remember liking how those sounded in your 3 way.

    Thanks for the compliment, but upon arriving home I disassembled the damaged one and discovered that a connector had slipped off one of them. In essence it was a single Eton working.

  • I did a small 2-way for Nick using an Eton midbass. It was OK, but the performance was not justified by the price.

    I have a signature.
  • I paid $135 each for the Eton 11-612's from Madisound three years ago.

  • edited February 2023

    @Wolf said:
    Page 7 H1500 or 29ttfc uncut both $45.
    I'll bet ttfc is typo, and it's tffc. This is the aluminum 29mm with rubber oval insert.

    That's a no. Ordered a set, see below...

    They look alot like 27TBFC to me, labeled 29ttfcd/g, or H1500. I don't think I've seen this one before. They feel heavier to me than the others, but appear to be with the same chamber, plastic face and grills. I feel I should dive into the alphanumeric and come up with details of the design if possible.
    They do not have diffuser discs under the grill.

  • edited February 2023

    Okay, so it means 29mm, tweeter, titanium, ferrofluid, chamber, double magnet, with grill.
    These are not aluminum folks! The D is why they are heavier.

  • @Wolf said:
    Okay, so it means 29mm, tweeter, titanium, ferrofluid, chamber, double magnet, with grill.
    These are not aluminum folks! The D is why they are heavier.

    I was going to get some of these, but didn't pull the trigger when ordering some other stuff. I had compared the available specs and thought they might be slightly modified 27TBFC's and decided they weren't that interesting for the price. Now that you have dug into them, how good of a bargain to you (subjectively) think they are for $45?

  • Being the motor is like the DXT double magnet, and a 29mm, I would place it likely in the $70-80 range if new.

  • edited February 2023

    Spoke with Michael Kelly of Aerial Acoustics, and he felt the ScanSpeak R2604/833002 was the better tweeter (used in the current line).

    Obviously much is based on implementation, but the current Aerials definitely sound excellent.

  • Well, the R29 tweet I've seen used in the 7 is not a cheapie, and definitely sounds good. I would call that an upgrade. Seems to me I tend to prefer SS tweeters over Seas in most cases. However, the Seas Titan is a great tweeter.

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