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  • Finished it up, I definitely recommend it for a cheap entry to a Lego Porsche and the Gulf colors. The actual Lego Porsche is a bit pricey, but also a step above in quality.

  • Our nearly 5 year old treadmill was stalling out so I opened it up. I think I found the problem.

    Why anyone would design a treadmill that has a conveyor belt dumping dust and debris into its guts is beyond me. I think there was enough fluff insulating the motor that it was over heating.

  • edited February 6

    I bet it outlasted the warranty.

  • @DrewsBrews said:
    I bet it outlasted the warranty.

    It did and it's been running fine since I cleaned it.

  • @Ron_E said:
    Our nearly 5 year old treadmill was stalling out so I opened it up. I think I found the problem.

    Why anyone would design a treadmill that has a conveyor belt dumping dust and debris into its guts is beyond me. I think there was enough fluff insulating the motor that it was over heating.

    That looks familiar. We had a couple of treadmills that eventually succumbed to belt friction. Four cats are bad enough without these things shedding rubber and who knows what all over. The exercise area now holds a recumbent bike and an elliptical. Way fewer points of friction and wear. There's always sidewalks, at least in our neighborhood.

  • Reminds me of my days of working in the oil-patch in Alberta. I worked in -55 degrees, -80 with the wind-chill. We finally had to shut it down. Nothing was working properly, especially the rig's hydraulics. Good old Entwistle, Alberta. Brrrrrrrrr!


  • Now I'm in the tubes.

  • edited February 11

    I remember programming old Cisco 1700s. I found it too easy to accidentally overwrite the recovery location if you got your commands mixed up when trying to reset to defaults.. bricking the unit.

  • Just melt into it

  • edited February 17

    Disassembled some projects projects to make some room. As a silver lining I reclaimed probably over 50% of my ultratouch.

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