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Off topic discussions - no politics, religion, food, or booze.

We have threads for food and booze, we disallow political and religious conversations. I created this thread to use for topics like Nick's steering wheel question, for example. I think we can all learn from threads like that, but we are primarily a DIY audio group and I would like to see the focus on that. However, I know we all have other interests and passions and I want to encourage sharing - in the interest of helping us build a sense of community and brotherhood.

No arguing, either. We are all grown-ups. At least as grown up as people who build speakers for fun can be :)

I'll start... Mama did a bangup job decorating for Christmas.

I have a signature.


  • I think a cardinal rule has been broken.

    "No speaker shall be disgraced by knick knacks or other sedimentary objects."

  • Funny how I don't get any complaints about my driver collection. 4 years ago there were 250 Jim Shore Santa's

     John H, btw forum has decided I don't get emails
  • Walking a fine line, no religion but here comes Christmas ;)

    I'm not deaf, I'm just not listening.
  • Probably fine as long as she's not buying them as fast as you buy drivers.😛

  • @dcibel said:
    Walking a fine line, no religion but here comes Christmas ;)

    Nah, purely secular here - plus, not making any commentary outside of thinking it looks pretty :)

    I have a signature.
  • @6thplanet said:
    I think a cardinal rule has been broken.

    "No speaker shall be disgraced by knick knacks or other sedimentary objects."

    Yeah, win some, lose some. The fact my wife lets me keep 11 finished pair of speakers plus two works in progress in the house is a bigger win that a couple knick knacks is a loss :)

    I have a signature.
  • Tis the season.

    First snow.

    My wife is not a fan of nick knacks but does Christmas decorations in abundance.


  • edited December 2022

    We have a Mazda MX-5 (Miata), 2002 "Titanium" special edition, 68,000 km since we bought it new. Lovely car, handling is perfect, great fun and utterly reliable.

    My sister has an identical car to ours; her neighbour has five Miatas: two NAs and three NBs, of which two are turbocharged. Value!

    However, it has one truly stupid design flaw: despite what car dealers and car companies tell you, cars still get punctures. The MX-5 has a space saver spare, so that's better than the newer models.

    However, where do you put the old wheel and tyre when you have to change it for the space saver, as it won't fit in the boot!

    When we had our last puncture, we had to put the tyre in the passenger seat and my wife had to go home on the train....

    I suspect there's at least one stupid feature on every car, and at least one good feature on even something like a Trabant!


  • Our 2014 Prius V has a backup camera and I have a bunch music on a flash drive. When you get in the car and start it and put it in reverse on comes the backup camera and a heading telling what song is playing blocking out the top of the image that should be showing you what's going on behind you. It also has a backup alarm inside the car letting me know I'm backing up. Both are really annoying.


  • Thanks for the reminder concerning emergency spare tires, GeoffMillar!!
    My spare is flat/no air pressure and I need to top it off - I keep trying to remember to check it every oil change but I never remember any longer.


  • I'm in OSHA 30 class all week. Job requirement.

    I have a signature.
  • Some Russian cars had a removable panel in the floor, the idea being you could drive onto a frozen lake, cut a hole in the ice, drive the car over the hole and put your fishing line through the hole, then fish in relative comfort.

    Not a great idea, but: how would you get the fish back through the hole?


  • Well, if you got the fish through the hole in the ice, surely you could get it through the hole in the car.

  • Just be sure to use hi octane fuel in that land-yatch so the exhaust system keeps the interior warm and melts the ice beneath your tires . . .

  • @Steve_Lee said:
    Just be sure to use hi octane fuel in that land-yatch so the exhaust system keeps the interior warm and melts the ice beneath your tires . . .

    That would be one way to get a Darwin Award!


  • Well, we bought a house in Clifton Springs NY with 5 acres of land and finally getting the hell out of NYC.
    There will be a lot of developments and I am also thinking about creating speaker company.

    PWRRYDkenrhodesSteve_Leea4eaudioSilver1omoani_101Nicholas_23Ron_Eugly_woofertajanesand 11 others.
  • That sounds great Roman! Congrats!

  • Congrats, Roman.

    We are getting hammered here, winter-weather wise. Up to 36" in some parts of the state. Just received an EAS alert on my phone stating travel in most parts of the state is not advised and many roads are blocked. I have never, in 47 years of living here, heard of such an alert. It is very bad and going to continue through tomorrow.

    Good thing I am stocked up on beer, is all I can say.

    I have a signature.
  • beer, steak, potatoes, and firewood enjoy!
    so where are you?

  • Andy, JR lives in Sioux Falls.

  • edited December 2022

    We in Melbourne don't get the sort of Winters you can have in some US States, but in the first month of summer we've had the coldest temperature for many years: -5C and snow at Mount Hotham and 15C where we live, plus really heavy rain. Tasmania's getting snow even on low lying land.

    It will of course get much warmer/hotter in January and February, when we sometimes get days over 40C (104F).

    Our great-nephew just flew in from Iowa City this morning and was rather shocked that it was almost as cold here as when he left!


  • @Nicholas_23 said:
    Geoff , Im curious if youre familiar with Alice Springs ?

    Haven't been there, unfortunately but must do so one day; it's a rather expensive trip by either train or air and driving there wouldn't be my idea of fun.


  • Just wandered over to PETT for the first time in awhile.

    Thank you, Jason for the seamless, easy, and fast forum software you maintain for us.

    I have a signature.
  • edited December 2022

    @GeoffMillar said:
    We in Melbourne don't get the sort of Winters you can have in some US States, but in the first month of summer we've had the coldest temperature for many years: -5C and snow at Mount Hotham and 15C where we live, plus really heavy rain. Tasmania's getting snow even on low lying land.

    It will of course get much warmer/hotter in January and February, when we sometimes get days over 40C (104F).

    Our great-nephew just flew in from Iowa City this morning and was rather shocked that it was almost as cold here as when he left!


    Next week will be single digit high temps - in Fahrenheit. Double digit low temps. In C, our low temps will be tickling -30 :(

    Today is 45mph (72kph) winds and huge ass drifting happening. Ugh.

    I have a signature.
  • I went out last night and cleaned about 1/2" of snow that hadn't melted off the driveway exposing a layer of crusty ice beneath it. I put some salt on it and in the middle of the night someone put all the snow back on the driveway. Was that you JR? The weather radar was all clear when I went to bed.


  • It was me Ron. I've been working on creating fake snow for a commercial. I must have pointed the particle generator the wrong direction.

  • Thanks a lot Tom.


  • edited December 2022

    sorry man, my guy had to have some place to dump it...

  • @Nicholas_23 said:
    . So you dont travel much into Australia ? Or venture out much?

    Pre-COVID we traveled around quite a bit, mainly within Victoria (which itself is bigger than the UK), but have also been to WA, Adelaide, Barossa and Clare Valleys, Noosa, Byron Bay, Sydney and bits in between; just not the north or centre.

    Friends of ours were on holiday in Noosa when the first inter-state lock down was imposed, so had to stay there for two months as they weren't allowed to cross the Qld/NSW or NSW/Victoria borders, although being stuck in Noosa would be rather nice. They ended up having to drive back via Mt Isa, then on to Darwin and Alice Springs, then into SA, then after two weeks' quarantine, were allowed back into Victoria.


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