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Sales, deals, and steals - formerly known as the "PE DOTD" thread.



  • Forget about the opinions of blind people, send one of each to Erin and get some real data!

    I'm not deaf, I'm just not listening.

  • I use them to much. For under $10 and it’s frame size It’s a great driver.

  • So is the SDS 4" there...

  • My pair of DX25BG60 register at a Zmax of about 20 ohms, so this tells me the Tymphany/Peerless to not have F/F.

  • @Wolf said:
    My pair of DX25BG60 register at a Zmax of about 20 ohms, so this tells me the Tymphany/Peerless to not have F/F.

    What’s F/F ?

  • ferrofluid

  • @Wolf said:
    My pair of DX25BG60 register at a Zmax of about 20 ohms, so this tells me the Tymphany/Peerless to not have F/F.

    That's interesting! The spec sheet from Tymphany shows aomething like 14 ohms, and yes I got the idea it had FF from the very suppressed looking Z curve shape. So I was wrong!

    = Howard Stark: "This is the key to the future. I'm limited by the technology of my time, but one day you'll figure this out."
  • Maybe not. This is on the Madisound page JR linked above.

  • It is not my experience that tweeters with F/F have Zmax as high as 20 ohms, but I suppose it is possible.

  • Madisound is a great company to deal with. I always get my standard shipped packages the next day. Too bad they don't offer free shipping like PE.

  • @PWRRYD said:
    Madisound is a great company to deal with. I always get my standard shipped packages the next day. Too bad they don't offer free shipping like PE.

    I got free shipping.

  • free shipping over 100$

  • Cool! I didn't know that.

  • Now what would be a good quality low cost woofer 6-8" woofer in the 40-60$ range for this tweeter? no frills but gets the work done without any objection? something that's better than the RS line and widely available....

  • For $68 I'd use the Peerless by Tymphany 830869.

  • IMO in that price range, there is not a lot of variability in driver quality. Take your pick of 6-8" woofers and run with it.

    The Tymphany will cross fairly low, so 8" is likely a possibility. I guess I would give the Peerless mentioned a try, or 8" aluminum designer from Dayton.

    In the 6-7" range, there are even fewer drivers that standout on cost/performance ratio in this price range. A safe bet is SB, but the Seas Prestige is an overlooked driver in the DIY world that sounds just fine.

    I have a signature.
  • HiVi F6?

  • Sure- the F6 would work with it, and be a broad overlap between drivers to the point that LR2 is likely possible.

  • I have not heard much about the prestige line.... In the next tier 80$ range, i guess SB takes the cake, lots of good solid performers... i don't see a reason to go over the 80-100 mark unless it's a exotic build or looking for something in particular...

    the KB range also looks like a good cost per performer, but i haven't tried it and don't know how high the 8" can extend or if it's pure 3 way driver only.

  • The Seas CA line are very smooth and easy drivers. Nick used them in his faceted torsion-box 2-ways last year. cjd's Nebbiolo had CA18 woofers.

    I absolutely loathe the L line, and the HD signature might be one of the reasons why. Breakup is nasty on these too.

    I have a set of U18 to use in the future, and those sounded GREAT in the Malbecs Maynard did about 8 years ago. The U16 is also no slouch. I have a set of the FR10RB-8 as well. I've not heard the 8".

    I think the lack of use of the Prestige woofers currently is due to higher prices than they used to be for not a lot more benefit, and that they have been used a lot in the past by many builders.

  • I'd put the Dynavox LW6004PMR high on my list of great performing drivers in the 40-60 range (it sits right in the middle at 50). Haven't used it yet myself, but it has sounded great each time I've heard it.

    = Howard Stark: "This is the key to the future. I'm limited by the technology of my time, but one day you'll figure this out."
  • Agreed! Those Dynavox are underrated for sure.

  • edited August 2020

    Looks like the LW6004PMR are NLA instead the Dynavox LW6004PMR-N and NC are currently available

    What is the difference - I recall Ben mentioning something about one version or the pother being good.

  • Ani, I can't imagine you needing to buy any woofers.

  • @ani_101 said:
    Looks like the LW6004PMR are NLA instead the Dynavox LW6004PMR-N and NC are currently available

    What is the difference - I recall Ben mentioning something about one version or the pother being good.

    It appears to be just a cast frame instead of the old adjust-a-basket or whatever it was called. This dropped the price from $88 to $50 and performance is identical. It's a unique driver and also high on my list.

  • I'd look at the Meniscus Eclipse 7" driver too. The standard version is a little over budget at $70, but seems well worth it. Last I checked though, they had an accidental high Qts run available for $40 that would achieve a nice low F3 in a sealed cab at the expense of efficiency.

  • Throwing an odd ball out there. Anyone used the Visaton w200s?

  • edited August 2020

    A classic and one of my favs at any price, still very high value today.

    I'm not deaf, I'm just not listening.
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