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  • I only know the acronym because I used to buy lots of pallet jacks and forklifts.

    I have a signature.
  • Bar remodel phase 1 done...

    6thplaneta4eaudiohifisideugly_wooferSteve_LeekenrhodesjholtzRon_EColonel7S7910and 1 other.
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  • edited November 2023

    jr- that looks great ! and nicely stocked


  • First pour.

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  • edited November 2023

    Finished installing wall plates and wiring up the switches in the spare room so it is 98% done besides a few odds and ends. Now that there is functional lighting it is ready for use. Once that room is "moved in" we will be rearranging the living room in a way that gets us more space and provides a bigger wall for the entertainment center and the ability to push the couch a few feet farther away so we aren't sitting 6ft from the speakers.

    This led to conversations about finally moving up from our little 32" tv. Which then led to discussing a larger TV stand. My wife still wants one of those electric fireplace inserts. I'm not really impressed with any of the premade TV stands with the fireplace inserts built in. So I started looking into building a stand myself and adding an insert. I soon came to the revelation that those inserts are very shallow. Some less than 4" deep. If I were to get an insert that spans the whole bottom of a 60" stand I could have 6-7 cubic feet of "wasted" space behind it... I may have found a new home for the UM12 that will actually allow me to use the thing instead of languishing in storage. That would be plenty of space to go ported. As long as I could find how to disable the bass boost on the Yung plate amp. Or I could just partition it down to a smaller sealed volume and leave the boost in place on the amp.

  • I just watched Squaring the Circle (The Story of Hipgnosis) on Netflix. Hipgnosis was behind some of the greatest album cover art ever.


  • Winter is coming. Had 2 hours of snow here which melted away pretty quickly.

  • Craigslist find. Delta drill press from 1944.

  • @jr@mac said:

    First pour.

    I remember Lagavulin 16 was $64. Good old times.

  • @Ron_E said:
    I just watched Squaring the Circle (The Story of Hipgnosis) on Netflix. Hipgnosis was behind some of the greatest album cover art ever.


    Everyone knows the Pink Floyd covers but those for Yes were great!


  • Pretty cool article on how Tracy Chapman's Fast Car is (one of) the most discerning speaker test tracks.

  • Great article! Interesting he mentioned Lyle Lovett's Joshua Judges Ruth. I love that album almost as much as LL and His Large Band. I used that one to EQ the PA system before I had an ARTA rig.

  • Very interesting article, thanks. I've also found 'Walk on the Wild Side' and 'Up on Cripple Creek' to be good 'test tracks'; the former has acoustic and electric bass and you should be able to hear both, instead of a 'blob' of sound.

    The studio version of 'Cripple Creek' has a thick drum sound and the bass line is 'thuddy' and again, they should sound - or at least I suppose they should sound - clean and separate.

    I'll dig out Fast Car and have a listen: not a great fan, but my wife is, so we have most of her stuff.


  • Try "Rock On" by David Essex - it will stagger you with the channel shifts.

  • @a4eaudio said:
    Pretty cool article on how Tracy Chapman's Fast Car is (one of) the most discerning speaker test tracks.

    The entire album is a plethora of subtle tracks. I use a few songs off of it when dialing in a crossover. I learned to use it well before I heard that is some kind of standard lol.

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  • I suppose I did too. My mom used to work for a lady that loved her music, and played it all the time in her store. I kinda took a liking to it without knowing it was loved by audio people, as I was not even out of school yet. This was well before the internet and me finding this group of friends. I've also used a track or 2 as well for voicing or event discs over the years. I don't have anything other than her first 2 albums.

  • Check out “New Beginnings” 😊

  • Pretty sure that is the second album.

  • New Beginnings was her fourth. I believe “Crossroads” her second. Which I also like a lot also. These would be my top three I think. Off of New Beginnings “Give me one reason” one one of my fave test tracks with just vocal and guitar to start then drums and bass kicking in. “At this point in my life” “Smoke and ashes” also good tracks.

  • Somewhat recently, the Parts Express competition (I don't remember what year) used New Beginnings as a test track

  • edited November 2023

    Yep, and they have used it prior too.

    I have the self title and New Beginnings, these are the 2 I have.

  • edited November 2023

    “Give me one reason” one one of my fave test tracks with just vocal and guitar to start then drums and bass kicking in. “

    There's an excellent version of this on YouTube with Tracy and Eric Clapton; I think from the video that Eric brought her on as a guest.

    She also performed a nice versions of The Thrill is Gone with BB King.


  • @Tom_S said:
    Great article! Interesting he mentioned Lyle Lovett's Joshua Judges Ruth. I love that album almost as much as LL and His Large Band. I used that one to EQ the PA system before I had an ARTA rig.

    We all have our 'Go to' tracks ad I use Lyles' 'North Dakota' as one of my core group of five. If your speaker has a weakness this track will reveal it.

  • Hmm I wonder how this turns out. =)

     John H, btw forum has decided I don't get emails
  • edited November 2023

    My HTPC remote...

    Mini Keyboard,Rii X8 Portable 2.4GHz Mini Wireless Keyboard Controller with Touchpad Mouse Combo,8 Colors RGB Backlit,Rechargeable Li-ion Battery for Google Android TV Box, PS3, PC, Pad,Nvidia Shield

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  • I lay here with a temp of 100.6 and every joint aching and chills and all I want to do is put together a formal writeup for those TMWW speakers. I hate being sick.

    I have a signature.
  • Sounds like Thanksgiving left you a present.
    Get well soon, JR!

  • I know that feeling, JR. That crud is going around. Hope you feel better! I got it a few months ago and missed a Jim Gaffigan show on a Friday and then a Toad The Wet Sprocket concert the next night. :/

  • You had the Breakfast Pocket didn't you, Tommy? That'll do it every time...

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