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  • Back country exploring on the trials bikes today - pretty epic day on the bikes!

    jr@mackenrhodesSilver1omoPWRRYDDrummerhifisideKornbreadR-CarpentertajanesSteve_Leeand 5 others.
  • I'm amazed that smile fits in the helmet!! You need to frame that picture. 🤟Glenn

  • Just returned home from the north shore of Lake Superior. The northern lights really delivered Monday night. I have LOTS of image review and editing ahead. Here's an early sample almost straight from the camera of the Milky Way near Split Rock lighthouse from last Friday. The loons are nearly audible.

    jr@mactajanesPWRRYDRon_E6thplanethifisideDrummerSteve_LeekenrhodesGeoffMillarand 7 others.

  • The Animals

  • edited September 2023

    ^^^ My dad's favorite song.🤘🏼
    He thought it was cool when I learned how to play it.

  • Keyboard player is tearing it up!

  • Cool then, cool now

  • The aurora borealis was absolutely incredible on the North Shore Monday evening. I've only experienced an aurora dancing overhead once before, north of Saskatoon many years ago. Lots of images were recorded and I have yet to view them all. Here are a couple. The bright object dominating one image is NOT the moon, it is Jupiter.

  • Trials bike for a day trip? Holy cow! My legs would be jelly after 10 minutes.

  • edited September 2023

    I like a seat to go with my pegs! Great trials riders blow my mind. Control and balance has to be incredible.

  • edited September 2023

    @Steve_Lee said:
    Keyboard player is tearing it up!

    That's Alan Price, whose albums are worth checking out, I recommend "Performing Price", a live double LP, also on CD.

    Perhaps his best known album is the soundtrack to the 1973 film, "O Lucky Man", in which he had roles as an actor and musician. Starred Malcolm McDowell and Helen Mirren, one of my favourite films. Unfortunately the soundtrack is very short - about 30 minutes - but it's all quality!


  • Had a blow out a few months back..

    Replaced the collector/flex/flange with stainless steel. Then dropped them off for Cerikote. This is the midnight bronze.
    Also splurged on ARP stainless studs.

  • That's Hot! (Pun intended)

  • @Drummer said:
    I like a seat to go with my pegs! Great trials riders blow my mind. Control and balance has to be incredible.

    It was almost 5 hours of riding that day - slept well that night!

  • In person interview for a job yesterday. I am one of three final candidates, the position is pretty significant however. It is unlikely I will be given an offer - but it is still cool to be considered for a job where my boss reports to a VP in the largest hog processing corporation in the world. I would be managing the plant engineer (fancy word for maintenance manager). Would be a life change in money.

    I also interviewed for a similar position at a company that produces cattle feed supplement. Up and coming company, similar money as the pork job. Downside to both is they are about an hour from home, the commute would blow ass during a SoDak winter. I would likely rent a small apartment and just come home Friday afternoons.

    I have an interview with a third company next Tuesday for a process engineer position. The VP I would report to was my continuous improvement manager that I worked with for about five years in a previous company. I have a real good shot at that one as a result - money is less than the other two but it is local.

    Anyways, I had no idea full-time safety would end up being so boring after I got all the OSHA compliance stuff out of the way.

    I have a signature.
  • Good for you, boredom is a killer. I deal with it almost daily.

  • Wanted to share some evidence of my weight loss.
    One year ago in GR:


    Anyways, still a little ways to go.

    I have a signature.

  • Keep it up brother

  • @Nicholas_23 said:

    Keep it up brother

    I made the error long ago too, but that is not a Nirvana song. It's STP.

  • yeah my bad , just grabbed a quit link

  • So you just shaved and trimmed the weight right off, ehh? 😬

  • @6thplanet said:
    So you just shaved and trimmed the weight right off, ehh? 😬

    I wish!

    I have a signature.
  • New hire orientation today, yeehaw. Get to watch my videos for the 3,798th time.

    I have a signature.
  • Congrats on the weight loss, and the new job! Oh yeah...Badfinger is badass!

  • Because I can't help collecting things I really don't need, the youngest & I drove up to the Twin Cities a few weeks ago, met my brother & nephew for lunch and came home with this. It needed a new chain & sprockets (done) and tires (coming soon), but the price was right. It'll be the daily driver so I won't rack up too many city miles on the FJR1300. Total nerd bike, but it's sure fun for bombing around town.

  • edited September 2023

    Those Versys 650's are great bikes. Perfect blend of cheap commuter, light agile trip taker, and a blast in the twisties, with a fairly bomb proof motor. Nice score. Tom! Glenn

  • edited September 2023

    Bah dangit. I've wanted one since they came out. Had an EX650 for a year or so but I'm much more comfortable on taller bikes. I like the derpy looks of the 1st gen versys for some reason. And. I'd much rather work on a parallel twin than this vstrom. Hence why it is still sitting in the shed awaiting a valve adjustment and throttle body sync, etc. And I'm riding the little thumper instead

  • edited September 2023

    I don't want to sound like my Mom and Dad but please be super safe out there when on your bikes. I'm sure you are all great riders but the level of stupid automobile drivers I see everyday has increased 10 fold in the last few years. I see cars run red lights every day on the way to and from work. I rode a Yamaha FZR600R for 10 years but eventually sold it after a few very close calls. It got to the point where I (and several of my friends) felt like the retard drivers were actually targeting us. Be safe is all I'm saying.

  • edited September 2023

    Yep gotta ride assuming everyone is out to kill ya. I'm usually "overanalyzing" traffic situations when on 2 wheels, but it turns a scary situation into a comical one when the dumb scenario in your head actually plays out for real and you knew exactly what to do.

    There is plenty of stuff we can do as riders to mitigate risk too. I hate watching bikes ride close to the back end of a car in a corner. A car can quickly brake mid-turn relatively easy, but on two wheels you've got to stand it up first. Which, in a right hand turn, can put you into oncoming traffic real quick. Or grab a fistfull of brake mid-lean and slide into oncoming traffic. Take your pick lol.

    Give yourself enough space to react and properly handle an unexpected situation.

    Here in Ohio they have a basic and advanced rider courses that are stupid cheap. Used to be $50, but wouldn't be surprised if that has gone up. The basic course they even supply bikes. I took that one to get my license, but took the advanced one too. The instructors are usually lifetime riders who are still around because they know what they are talking about.

    (not the same courses, but techniques to think about adopting)

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