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InDIYana 2025 theme announcement, "Tweeterectomy"... but build look-alikes if you want....



  • I don't know If I can make it next year, but as soon as I got the rules, I already knew what I was going to do.
    I have drivers in hand.
    TB W4 1337SDF

    The woofer is a!

  • edited July 2024

    Hmmm, I've used those W4-1337 full range already, but the Neo version, in a triple chamber reflex. The ringing needs killed!! or they ring like a bell. I believe you've made a good choice! It's not that different from my widerange choice, the W4-1052SD!
    I'm not naming my woofers either yet.

  • @Wolf said:
    Hmmm, I've used those W4-1337 full range already, but the Neo version, in a triple chamber reflex. The ringing needs killed!! or they ring like a bell. I believe you've made a good choice! It's not that different from my widerange choice, the W4-1052SD!

    I have some tricks with this driver. I have worked with it. Big cross over....

  • edited July 2024

    I also have a pair of NE123. Not sure if the size meets the rules but was looking at the response on that as well. Maybe really not a full range driver but, I can't hear above about 14khz. After all the drag racing I did, going to NASCAR races, concerts, playing drums for 40 years, I am surprised I can hear that high, lol! Plus I am getting old.

    Just a thought. May play with them and see how they do if the frame measures big enough.
    May not like playing bass though.

  • edited July 2024

    Frame diameter is 123mm so bigger than the 90mm minimum.

    Looking at the factory graphs.. seems to me as much of a "fullrange" as any of that cone size.

  • Yeah, I looked at it a few days ago and the old mind couldn't remember how high it went. I just remember it looked promising. Will have to model it and see if it can take some low end. I have some time to play with them but I may still end up with the TBs. I was just looking at what else I had to try out.

  • edited August 2024

    @Analogkid455 said:
    ... Will have to model it and see if it can take some low end...

    Maximum Linear Excursion, Xmax: 14.2mm !?!? surely thats a typo on the spec sheet? PE says 3.1mm. Even still that's better than the pc105 I'm using (2mm).

  • Yeah, I would say 3 mm is probably correct. The TB I am probably going to use only has 2.5. But, I have modeled it and it seems like it will do really good in a small closed box. I forget the SPL it will do but it was pretty high.
    I have some PC105s as well. I was going to use 8 per side for a PA. Plus a 15" PRV for the low end.

  • edited August 2024

    I know we have the ~35L volume constraint. Too late to lift that? I know that the restriction is probably there for the literal lifting of enclosures, but it rules out so many alignment options. I'm probably just whining.

  • You can still make slender towers if needed.
    Whining? Maybe I suppose, but at least there is cheese present in your area....

  • edited August 2024

    Would it be acceptable to have two enclosures per side, one stand mount for the wide ranger and one floor standing for the bass driver?

  • I guess this is fine, but you'll have to do the gross volume calculations as if when "sitting together". This way the 2 conjoined walls of the pair have to be included within and come out of the gross volume.

  • edited August 2024

    Are the torture test tracks picked yet? Just wondering what we might be subjected to.
    Also, what dB level are these being played at?

  • Does this filter look like it meets the rules/spirit of the theme? The padding resistor on the full range is yet TBD if needed or not.

    The full range is a 3.5" driver and the woofer is a 5.25" driver.

  • Eric- I don't make or announce the cuts, haven't entertained that at all yet.

    Craig- Yes, that works.

  • edited August 2024

    When i read around I see folks stating "baffle step is first order slope so only a coil is needed". This seems to ignore the fact that the .5 driver is also being affected by baffle step. In my mind a 2nd order electrical would often be needed to turn the upward slope to a downward slope to balance out the other driver.

    Though I suppose there are always exceptions like when a woofer response already has a downward slope.

  • What about additional all-pass filter elements on the .5?

  • Any impedance lower limit? My Crown will drive a light bulb.

  • My project sims show a minimum impedance of 3.9 ohms. Luckily the phase angle is almost zero there. No worries for any of my amps.

  • XLS2000 is 2 ohm stable, remember that is likely minimum and not nominal. It would not likely tolerate a 1.5 ohm DCR. That said, it did not even care about the 2 ohm flat impedance from EQ's xover a few years ago.

  • I bet it would handle 1.5.

    I have a signature.
  • Okay, I could be wrong...

  • Would this woofer roll off be compliant? The woofer filter roll off is in green on the filter graph. The widebander filter is in red. The woofer starts to roll off very slowly beginning at about 150Hz, is down about 7db by 1kHz, then gets steeper to about 12dB/octave roll off above 2kHz. But that is just the electrical filter. The total woofer acoustical roll off is a bit steeper in places, as shown in green on the SPL graph.

  • Yep, -6dB at 1k is 500 Hz 1st order.


  • I'll play.

  • Nice! What drivers? Or is that a surprise for later.

  • Bose and Rival

  • Hmmm, I have 4x of these small clearance woofers in my driver collection: and a pair of RS100P-8 that are very nice full range...

    = Howard Stark: "This is the key to the future. I'm limited by the technology of my time, but one day you'll figure this out."
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