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  • ...and amazing how exhausting sitting all day can be.

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  • edited June 2024

    I think I tend to get about 10,000 key strokes and 50 steps in per day.

  • My feet get sore after a day away from my desk but my back/shoulders/neck are way more relaxed. I probably should buy a much better chair for my desk at work.

  • I had a desk job once.

  • It lasted less then a week.

  • than or then, I will ask my wife. I think it should've used than. but then again.....

  • Yeah, I do work at a bench, but I'm always up getting product to work on, getting parts, getting supplies for the techs, taking finished units to Pack out, and working out in receiving. It's definitely nice to get to move around.

  • 10 k - 12k is a normal work day for me.

  • So fortunate to be at a small gathering of friends in Clark, CO, with Michael and Dawn Moon

  • edited June 2024

    The advertising of which product(s) has the most BS content?

    • hi fi gear ('will make a staggering difference')
    • cars (Mercedes C-Class, 'It Changes Everything')
    • cosmetics ('may help to assist')
    • so called health foods ('may help to assist')




  • High end audio for sure.

    I have a signature.
  • There was some pretty sketchy marketing surrounding the martial arts in the 60s and 70s.

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  • @GeoffMillar said:
    The advertising of which product(s) has the most BS content?

    • hi fi gear ('will make a staggering difference')
    • cars (Mercedes C-Class, 'It Changes Everything')
    • cosmetics ('may help to assist')
    • so called health foods ('may help to assist')




    According to my sister the MD, it's "male enhancement" boutiques, sometimes boldly referred to as "clinics".

  • Cheaper to hit on smaller women - you might get lucky . . .

  • Happy Father's day too all the dads hanging out here.

    I have a signature.
  • My hometown cousin who now lives in the Phoenix area made the trek to I-70 Speedway in Missouri yesterday. Sometimes life's a beotch. :s

    Different category runs today. Plucked these from the live feed and one shot from my brother.

  • Nice R/T and only a thou from perfect

  • Happy Father's Day brothers

  • edited June 2024

    @PWRRYD said:
    Nice R/T and only a thou from perfect

    Opened with a win today. 8.905

    I'd post the burnout but "file not allowed" says no. Maybe I can extract the audio. =)

    Mike learned most of what he knows from my uncle, the infamous Panama Zipper.

  • You can create a YouTube account and upload there. We can embed YouTube video here.

    I have a signature.
  • edited June 2024
  • I can smell the rubber burning!
    I'm definitely overdue to be back at a strip.
    Plans to go-to the vintage grand prix at Mid Ohio this weekend!

  • Sounds like Reed Timmer will be around my area tomorrow. Watch those sky’s

  • Pretty awesome t-storm going on. Woke me up at 1:00AM and unlikely to get back to sleep.
    So I ordered a AGM battery and a big inverter to serve as a sump backup power supply.

    I have a signature.
  • I'll add a trickle charger to the mix, as well.

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  • Red-lighted in the next round, after some gamesmanship by the other driver. :/ Man, the margins in a lot of those races is razor thin.

  • @jr@mac said:
    I'll add a trickle charger to the mix, as well.

    Thanks for the reminder that my battery maintainer died and I need a replacement - This one any good for the money?

  • That looks similar to the one I've been eyeballing.

    I have a signature.
  • edited June 2024

    @jr@mac said:
    Pretty awesome t-storm going on. Woke me up at 1:00AM and unlikely to get back to sleep.

    We woke up just after 1:00AM to the AC compressor making a hell of a racket outside the bedroom window. Turned off the AC and went out to see what was going on. I found the bottom of the compressor was wall to wall walnut shells and on closer inspection found fresh shredded mouse parts around the fan guard. I think all the noise was a walnut shell the mouse was chewing on when the AC kicked in. The fan kept it bouncing around until we turned the AC off and it dropped to the bottom of the compressor. One we turned the AC on again it was fine.

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