I feel like a slacker... or a late invitation. I'm Chris, live on the north side of Chicago (Andersonville neghborhood), and have too many hobbies. The last couple years that's been working on the house in between race weekends and family stuff. Hoping to get back to some speaker building (I have one design rough-cut, just needing a couple other projects to wrap up...)
Hi, Channing here. I've done a few unannounced designs, two fully active, one passive. I prefer passive crossovers. I'm working on a three-way Coaxial/Woofer speaker currently, I seem to average 2 years for each design haha. I really like this forum software, too, never seen it before. Most of y'all know me, I'm a big computer nerd/gamer. I don't have many hobbies outside of speakers and computers.
Scott Sehlin from Bettendorf, IA. Married with two teenage sons. I enjoy tennis and golf when not messing with speakers and other electronics. I have always enjoyed the freedom of diy versus just living with what's available.
Keep an open mind, but don't let your brain fall out.
Matt M from Kansas City. Married with a daughter in grade school. I work as a systems admin on Microsoft stuff these days, tho it was linux in a past life. I haven't come up with any designs of my own, but I've got a hand full of speakers, sound bars, boomboxen, and subs under my belt. I've been to DIY Iowa almost every year since like 2012 I think. My other hobbies include a bit of everything, fitness, tinkering with electronics, working on cars, working on houses, video games, and whatever else happens to catch my fancy.
Paul Carmody. Born and raised in the Chicago suburbs, still live there now with a wife and 2 young kids. I'm currently a sys admin, former elementary school teacher.
I've wanted to build speakers my whole life, but I really sucked at it until I found the DIY communities on the internet back in 2006 or so. My hobbies are: playing musical instruments, hack woodworking and electronics, messing with computers, indie games, and reading.
Thanks for the invite. Nice to see everyone here. John H from St. Louis Mo. Married 35 years. I have two sons near 30 years old now. I like lots of stuff with parts, plus fishing and volleyball. I still work, you can find me on Linkedin.
Hi guys! Derek Jarman from Squamish, BC, Canada. I'm derekj on pett. I love where I live and we enjoy the outdoors as much as we can(biking hiking etc). My other hobbies beside speaker building include bikes, and auto X racing and craft beer.
I see so many names from back when I was on TT every day!
Hello I'm Duane. I'm married with 4 kids, leaving very little time or money to do anything these days. I have built several designs and designed a bunch more that never got farther than the design. Currently working on getting a system for my cruze.
Hi everyone. I've been building my own stuff for a long time. I used to do nothing but active systems because I could build my own active crossovers and didn't have the tools or experience to do passive crossovers. Now I do both. I used to be on the bass list and I'm Ron_E on the PE forum. I live in the midwest so I always do DIY Iowa and try to make the other close events in SD and Chicago. I just attended my first MWAF and definitely want to do that again.
My name is TC Carter. I was an active participant (somewhat) on PETT since around 2000. I left a few times due to not really digging the environment. Came back a couple of times and this last time finally said "fuck it" and havn't been back.
I build odd DIY things. From speakers to amps to preamps to DIY turntables. I design PCB's for various circuits and if you are needing something, ask. I might have them. I sell them for my cost to order plus whatever shipping costs are.
Just bought a new house, spending the next few months setting it up. Have three children under 8 and they are my "hobby" right now.
Thanks to my good friend Johnny for shooting me a link. Very cool sir, I appreciate it.
Hi TC, welcome aboard. I have a couple of tube designs I would love to have PCB's for. Pretty simple ciruits. Probably one sided boards with a few jumpers. Quantities would be low though, under 20 pieces. Look forward to discussing this with you.
I'm interested to do some cool enclosuses. I have some ideas rolling around for them. How much do you think a decently powered tube amp would be? Like atleast 15wpc I don't think think 8wpc would do me any good. My carver seems to hover around 15-25 watts usually.
Sehlin Sound Solutions
I've wanted to build speakers my whole life, but I really sucked at it until I found the DIY communities on the internet back in 2006 or so. My hobbies are: playing musical instruments, hack woodworking and electronics, messing with computers, indie games, and reading.
Hello I'm Duane. I'm married with 4 kids, leaving very little time or money to do anything these days.
My name is TC Carter. I was an active participant (somewhat) on PETT since around 2000. I left a few times due to not really digging the environment. Came back a couple of times and this last time finally said "fuck it" and havn't been back.
I build odd DIY things. From speakers to amps to preamps to DIY turntables. I design PCB's for various circuits and if you are needing something, ask. I might have them. I sell them for my cost to order plus whatever shipping costs are.
Just bought a new house, spending the next few months setting it up. Have three children under 8 and they are my "hobby" right now.
Thanks to my good friend Johnny for shooting me a link. Very cool sir, I appreciate it.