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Get familiar with the reaction system: Introducing the Reaction System

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  • Erin from north Alabama here.  You guys may remember me from my now defunct driver testing website  I've started the process of creating a new site and pulling over the data from the old one.  New site is:  Follow along if you're in to that sort of thing.

    I like short walks along the driveway and am married to a woman that understands that I'm part crazy and part insane.  I also have a 9yo daughter who is wicked smaht and plays piano so she is probably a better audiophile than I am.  

    Thanks for the invite!
  • Welcome Erin!  I always enjoyed your old website which was one of the very few that had Klippel tests results.  
  • Welcome Erin!  I always enjoyed your old website which was one of the very few that had Klippel tests results.  
    Well, I'm actually hoping to start testing again with Klippel products.  I have reached out to them and am awaiting a quote.  Though, I may wind up having to start a gofundme to make it happen.  I've asked for the cost of a laser this time to help with accuracy in measuring T/S parameters (namely xmax).  So, we shall see.
  • Welcome to all. This place is growing.
    I have a signature.
  • Kyle from Nebraska. Here to learn what I can!
  • Welcome Kyle.
  • Sweet to see some new members and some old friends. @erinh send me a PM and we can talk about your new venture. So happy to see you here!!
    My signature goes here
  • Hello,
     This is Zabi from Rhythm Audio Design in Beautiful British Columbia, Canada.
     Thanks for the invite Bryan!
     Happy to be of service this awesome DIY Audio community :)
  • Hello,
    This is Adam M from Louisville, Ky. Probably met some of you at mwaf and various other diy events. Thanks for the invite Bryan!
  • Hi Adam hope you are doing well
     John H, btw forum has decided I don't get emails
  • Greetings from the crippled JR. I love seeing our community engaged here!
    I have a signature.
  • Oh man, not that Adam guy....😛
  • Thanks for the greetings and whatever eric is doing lol
  • Hi Adam! Glad to have you on board!
  • @AdamM3 ; You're about 5 hrs. East.  Think there will be a diy event in the region?    
  • There has been a DIY in KY before, but not last year.
  • Wanted to go but job and school equaled no.  Was really wanting to make one this year but ... this year is pooched big time.   
  • Yes it is, I was going to announce DDIY 2020 in a few weeks, but I think the next great plains event will likely be Iowa in October. We'll see how the hotels weather things. 70% of my companies revenue is associated with hospitality - it hasn't been talked about much in the media in favor of focusing on profiteers buying up sanitary supplies, but the industry is effectively dead overnight. 
    I have a signature.
  • In the same boat here.  No car sales means no job.  May take a while to recover from this but as long as the family stays healthy I'll recover.    
  • I am in IT, so the effects are not immediately felt, and can work from home. Most big IT companies have war chest to weather downturns for a while, but when all clients across all industries start cancelling or putting projects on hold, things don't look good...

    IT projects are usually Capex, and during times like this, companies try to conserve whatever cash they have and focus on their core business rather than spending... 

    though certain industries are feeling the pain now, nothing is going to survive if this continues for long...
  • The first 'industry' to shut down in a recession is Education, the last to recover....Education.  I'm on Limited Hours but I'm working so that's something!
  • Yes education is expendable, no money in it.
    ............. could you hum a few bars.
  • Kornbread said:
    @AdamM3 ; You're about 5 hrs. East.  Think there will be a diy event in the region?    
    Hope there is, but who knows nowadays. We usually have one
  • RAD said:
     This is Zabi from Rhythm Audio Design in Beautiful British Columbia, Canada.
     Thanks for the invite Bryan!
     Happy to be of service this awesome DIY Audio community :)
    Hey Zabi - where in BC are you? I live in Squamish.
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