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  • edited July 2023

    My first slightly quick car taught me you gotta plan out way ahead even before you put your foot down. Probably kept me from injury on 2 wheels.

    I imagine some highway turns are dicey to get around going that fast. Isle of man TT proves that even the best of the best pay the price sometimes. Average joe with a speed addiction? Pretty much guaranteed dog meat when trying to go 10/10 at those speeds.

  • My old truck has many ponies, of which I rarely tap in to. 50 year old brake tech is not congruent with 350+ HP

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  • It sure seems like people are driving at insane speeds since Covid. Lots of reports around here of idiots running from the police. Most do not end well. These wannabe NASCAR dumb-flocks didn't get the memo that cops are actually trained in high speed pursuit.

  • Speaking of which, has anyone seen the new "grappler" tool that some LEO are using? Pretty awesome!

  • The worst thing about the people that run from the cops, is always the innocent potential victims of their stupidity. I think that it's insane that anyone without having to prove that they can ride worth a shit, can go ride away on what was a gp bike 10/15 years ago. I'm amazed at a great number of riders that have state issued licenses, that can barely keep a bike up, and have god awful machine control. If I didn't love riding so much, I would have traded it in for 4 wheels and a convertible, but it appears that I'm going to be a lifer. Glenn

  • That Grappler invention is really cool! Genius idea that will save lives.

  • edited July 2023

    Not to say I haven't gone down before... Early on learning to carve, in one turn there was a rottweiler sitting right at the edge of the grass and road. I was paying too much attention to it. I lifted off the front brake to initiate the turn, but forgot my foot was still on the rear brake a bit. Rear slid out and sparks flew. I think the dog was still sitting there staring at me when I got up lol. I was fine since I'm ATGATT. I rode the bike home, but it definitely needed some love.

  • Finally caught lightning.

    I have a signature.
  • Vacation time. Hot and humid Florida for a family reunion.

     John H, btw forum has decided I don't get emails
  • Gulf side?

  • Hey, John, you blinked!

  • Going back to the earlier discussion regarding not needing all the power on hand... I've been seriously thinking about taking my Mustang a few steps back.
    Back to being a little more street friendly. It's just sitting in my garage collecting dust right now. I don't need the full 12 point roll cage if I plan to only run 10's instead of 8's. The basic 6 point roll bar will do. The light weight drag brakes and skinny tires up front aren't needed anymore either. It would be nice to have decent size meat on all four corners and good stopping power. Maybe someday in the future throw a T56 gearbox back in it. It's always fun banging gears. We'll see...

  • I miss my 5speed. Gotta get other projects out of the way so I can drop in the replacement engine.

  • Happy 4th all! Just got back to CA from a 3 night run of Dead and Company in Boulder. All three shows stellar, but last night they put on a drone show - mind blowing. Oh, and Dave Matthews joined the band for the last four songs of the night. “All along the watchtower” “not fade away” ‘knocking on heavens door” and “The Weight”.

  • Atlantic side near Dearfield beach

     John H, btw forum has decided I don't get emails
  • Do people have a 'perfect' film(s)?

    Nothing is really perfect of course, but there are some I keep going back to due to their sheer quality - here are five of mine:

    • The Blues Brothers;
    • O Lucky Man! (1973, great soundtrack too);
    • 12 O'Clock High;
    • The Lives of Others; and
    • The Great Race


  • Just off of the top of my head:
    American Beauty
    Fight Club
    The Godfather
    There's Something About Mary

  • edited July 2023

    Apollo 13
    Where Eagles Dare
    The Blues Brothers
    The Last of the Mohicans
    Das Boot (English dubbed version)
    The Unforgiven

    Guilty pleasures (just for fun):
    Caddy Shack
    Smokey and the Bandit
    Ford vs Ferrari

  • edited July 2023

    @GeoffMillar said:
    Do people have a 'perfect' film(s)?

    My wife and I came to the realization last year that there were some great films that we had never seen. I set about compiling a list with movies rated by an average of 3 different services, viewers and critics. Long story shorter, we came up with a ranking system and list of the top-ranked movies since 1960 and began (re)watching them all. We still have about a dozen to go, but here's our top 10 so far:

    Schindler's List
    Apocalypse Now
    Saving Private Ryan
    The Pianist
    One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest
    The Green Mile
    Pulp Fiction
    12 Years a Slave

    Once we rewatch The Shawshank Redemption I'm sure it will shoot into the top two or 3. One thing we noticed is that some older movies show their age quite gracefully, while others, especially westerns, not so much (Unforgiven is an exception). Especially in this arena, YMMV.

  • edited July 2023

    @PWRRYD said:
    Apollo 13
    Where Eagles Dare
    The Blues Brothers
    The Last of the Mohicans
    Das Boot (English dubbed version)
    The Unforgiven

    Guilty pleasures (just for fun):
    Caddy Shack
    Smokey and the Bandit
    Ford vs Ferrari

    Totally forgot about The Last of The Moicans Great movie, and off course the Blues Brothers ... we have an understanding ... we're on a mission from God.

  • Princess mononoke
    Porco Rosso
    Pulp fiction - all the Tarantino's soundtracks are outstanding.
    5th element
    Oldboy - the Korean OG, the vengeance trilogy is just great.

  • The Breakfast Club
    Raiders of the Lost Ark
    Blues Brothers
    Lost Boys
    American Graffiti

  • I'm not much of a movie buff, but I have to give Rob Reiner credit for making one the best family movies that still holds up today - The Princess Bride

  • Princess Bride
    Secondhand Lions
    Disney's The 3 Musketeers with Sheen, Sutherland, Platt, and O'Donnell.
    The Core
    The Rock
    Matrix series
    Independence Day
    Day After Tomorrow
    Riddick trilogy
    Reign of Fire
    Underworld series
    Indiana Jones series
    Back to the Future series
    Star Wars (original 9)
    Transformers both cartoon and Michael Baye versions
    The Hobbit and LoTR, both cartoon and Peter Jackson versions
    5th Element
    Minority Report
    How to Train You Dragon, all of them; movies, Netflix series, etc.
    Minions movies

  • Interesting that almost everyone nominated The Blues Brothers!

    At least in Melbourne, it was - unbelievably - a flop, but after a year or so it really took off, so much so that it was screened every Friday night at one of our 'cult' theatres for years. People would dress up as characters, bring chicken and toast etc, dance around to Shake a Tail-feather and sing along to Minnie the Moocher. Great fun.

    There were of course Blues Brothers parties, but one I particularly remember was in a pub in Ocean Grove and seeing about a dozen nuns all chugging down beers. Of course, it was a Blues Brothers party.


  • I love the Blues Brothers, but it didn't pop into my head. Another one that I didn't think about is The Big Lebowski! Alot of great ones on everyone's list. Glenn

  • Oh yeah, Back to the Future! All three were so entertaining.

  • Beerfest
    Rocky Horror Picture Show
    Of course all the Mel Brooks stuff

  • Good post re. favorite movies. I'll play. This list is not exhaustive, just what pops into my head as I write.

    Horror/suspense/supernatural/spooky/whatever genre:
    Dawn of the Dead, actually anything Romero but Dawn holds a special place in my heart
    Silence of the Lambs - Best Picture winner, enough said
    Psycho - absolutely classic
    Pretty much any of the Texas Chainsaw movies - even TCM2 which was stupidly funny
    The Descent - if you are claustrophobic stay the fuck away from this masterpiece
    The Ring - talk about a long, slow buildup to an iconic horror scene. Beautiful.
    The Grudge - one of the few movies I was ever frightened to the point of discomfort.
    Halloween - including Rob Zombies remake.
    House of 1000 Corpses - RZ pulled no punches in this nuts-on love letter to classic horror.
    One Hour Photo - good lord Robin Williams plays creepy just as well as he plays dramatic or funny.
    The Others - no way should a movie with a twist be this good. No way.

    Drama genre:
    Dead Poets Society - O Captain, my Captain
    What Dreams May Come - that movie is a painting come to life, I am easily swayed by visuals
    The World According to Garp - yes, continuining the Robin Williams theme with this one. Possibly my favorite novel turned into one of my favorite movies.
    Bigfish - again, visuals sway me, but this movie is a modern masterpiece and IMHO Burtons' finest work

    Comedy/Camp/Cheese (here is where I have zero shame lol)
    Tommy Boy
    Dumb and Dumber
    Grandmas Boy
    The Waterboy
    Pineapple Express
    Hangover 1, 2, and 3

    Too many to list, but everything Star Wars (not a movie but The Mandelorian is the 2nd greatest TV series of all time, right behind Sopranos) stands out, as does Indy, First Blood, and several other honorable mentions in a category I will gladly kill 90 minutes of my life spending time with.

    SciFi/Fantasy - not my favorite genre, but some gems exist
    District 9 - wow what a treat that movie is.
    Slaughterhouse 5 - possibly my favorite novel turned into one of my favorite movies.

    I'm tired of thinking about movies - time to go watch something lol.

    Oh, I do not have a favorite movie and only about 100 movies I forgot to list here. I have somewhere between 1200 and 1400 VHS/DVD/BD floating around. I lost count.

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  • @DrewsBrews said:
    Rocky Horror Picture Show
    Of course all the Mel Brooks stuff

    Beerfest is one of my all time favorites - and I bet I have seen RHPS at least 100 times end to end. Always have fun with the audience participation component. We even had a RHPS themed halloween party one year. I was Dr. Frankenfurter, of course I had my 24 year old fighters body then. Mrs. JR was Janet Weiss.

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