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JoAnn's batting on sale 40% off today 3/23...

Just picked up a Mountain Mist bag of 80/20 wool/poly blend batting 120" x 120". Regularly marked $65, and picked it up for around $40.

All sizes of this were on sale. I don't know if it ends today or not.



  • Quilters unite.
    I have a signature.
  • Hah! While I come from a long line of seamstresses, and can likely sew a button back on, my duck I made in school was pretty bad; and we both know what I'm actually using this for! =) =)
  • I signed up for another food / meal delivery service called "freshly" and when i started to discard the plastic and icepacks I ripped open the plastic to find a good bit of recycled denim batting in a good thickness. This was 1 shipment worth (1 shipment per week). Looks like ill be set on batting!  Its sitting on a 14x23" drawer
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