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Alesis portable recording things

I have for sale one (1) Alesis TwoTrack and one (1) Alesis VideoTrack handheld/tripod mount recording things. Last I knew, they both work. The Two Track can record in .WAV but requires a pretty fast MicroSD card to do so, the VideoTrack records in 640X480 .MP4 so the audio is compressed. I used these when I was still doing live sound, they are also especially useful for rehearsal "notes". The Two Track can also record straight from a board if needed. The TwoTrack uses a single AA battery, the VideoTrack uses a USB rechargeable internal battery. 

Just add a MicroSD card for the TwoTrack and a standard SD card for the VideoTrack and off you go. It is highly unlikely I will ever be going back to doing live sound, at least to the extent that I would be utilizing these toys, so they gotta go!

$40 shipped to the lower 48. Check Ebay prices for some perspective on this price. Paypal only.

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