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InDIYana 2019 dates are official!



  • edited May 2019
    The problem with A weighting is when a speaker with say the classic BBC dip is measured and set, when music is played back the bass and treble become much louder. I had that problem at MWAF a couple years ago as they were using that method of level setting.
  • There will always be variance with any method of SPL match when the frequency response varies between speakers, when you take an average of any frequency band to determine overall volume. Any "voicing" differences between speakers will result in some frequencies being louder, some quieter. Perhaps a B weighted curve is a better choice as it covers a wider frequency band but still avoids the bass? Or just match the SPL at 1kHz and blame any differences in perceived SPL on "design choices"?
    I'm not deaf, I'm just not listening.
  • The issues we see with level matching far exceed the differences introduced by different weights. There is a volume knob problem, not a weighting issue. That was the entire point of Bryan's post - different weights will not yield a 10db or more difference in playback volume. If it were weighting (and I agree that is also an issue, but not overly so for these events - but it does warrant consideration), there would not be a strong correlation between the playback level and certain designs. 
    I have a signature.
  • I agree, the measurements that Bryan posted show a difference of 10dB, not 1-3dB, which is a big disparity. I just wanted to open some discussion of SPL matching to "weigh" the options ;)
    I'm not deaf, I'm just not listening.
  • Don't let bass heads touch the volume knob.
    ............. could you hum a few bars.
  • It's when they are advising the mic level that it's also a problem.
  • edited May 2019
    As mentioned, my point had nothing to do with the process of level matching (mic setup, etc) or the SPL weighting and everything to do with policing the volume control - plain and simple. 

    There are new DIY participants who just don’t understand what we are talking about here or what they are hearing at the show. All they know is their speakers sounded like shit and those other ones sounded awesome and if it’s because of a 10db difference in SPL then we gots some ’splainin to do. 
    My signature goes here
  • Didn't we try to blow up Craig's speakers at Iowa?  Not sure how we transitioned from listening for detail to having fun. 
     John H, btw forum has decided I don't get emails
  • Didn't we try to blow up Craig's speakers at Iowa?  Not sure how we transitioned from listening for detail to having fun. 

    Those were Craig K's Focal MTMs. IIRC it got late and alcohol (at least in my case) was involved.  Lots of alcohol! I well may be the guilty party who baited Craig by asking him how loud they could play cleanly. 
  • The Craig speakers I remember were the ceramic cone SBs with the HiVi tweeter? I do agree alcohol was involved, but I blame JR and Lowell.  That was the never ending Saturday...I hope we can do it again this year.
     John H, btw forum has decided I don't get emails
  • The Craig speakers I remember were the ceramic cone SBs with the HiVi tweeter? I do agree alcohol was involved, but I blame JR and Lowell.  That was the never ending Saturday...I hope we can do it again this year.
    I assume full responsibility.

    I tried killed a pair years ago using Barbie Girl. Speakers won. 
    I have a signature.
  • I must confess. I did try to blow-up my little 3-ways at Chicago and Iowa a few years ago. 😁
    ............. could you hum a few bars.
  • And Mark Sayer randomly tosses speakers from the roof of the commercial complex where Meniscus HQ is. 

    There IS some sick fascination with destroying speakers embedded in a lot of DIY guys. ;)
    My signature goes here
  • Performance Art is a way of life. B)
    ............. could you hum a few bars.
  • Bryan@MAC said:
    And Mark Sayer randomly tosses speakers from the roof of the commercial complex where Meniscus HQ is. 

    There IS some sick fascination with destroying speakers embedded in a lot of DIY guys. ;)
    This is true, it's the cardnal sin to slip a screwdriver off a screw and put it through the surround or cone of a speaker. Working for Bose replacing drivers all day has been a benefit. Now I get to stab surrounds, cones, dustcaps, rip VC assy. out, and just plan maul speakers on a daily basis. (All bad/replacing drivers of course😉) It's so stress relieving and relaxing to get that kinda of tension out.
  • Yikes! But at least they're BOSE drivers...
  • I received a shit-ton of awesome pictures from @4thtry - Bill S. Thanks Bill, you rock as usual. 

    The archive page is up on the MAC website.

    Enjoy -

    My signature goes here
  • How did the SB Acoustics 'BROMO' sound?

  • It sounded VERY good.
  • Ben is correct these are amazing speakers.
  • I could live with them. 
    I have a signature.
  • cool

  • Hello Ben,

    I would belatedly like to join in the Thanks for putting on the Show!

    My only questions is, how long until the theme poll is up for 2020? :)

  • You'll learn more about that in about a month...
  • In the meantime I would suggest you read up on OB speaker design   ;).
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