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for sale; grace m902 pre, VTA Dynaco ST120 tube amp, acurus 150 SS amp, and add'l tube sets

I’m looking to sell my grace m902(dac/headphone amp/pre with remote), custom chassis built VTA Dynaco ST120stereo tube amp (and extra tube sets), and an acurus 150 amp. These are the units I had at the Iowa show (biamping my speakers via a miniDSP). I have original boxes for the grace pre and acurus, however I’m not wanting to ship due to the tube amp. I’m in the 60521 Hinsdale / Chicago area.   

While I really enjoy these units, I’ve not come up with a good way to integrate them into a A/V setting (as I’ve posted, I’m not looking to run my tube amp for ‘just TV’ and while there are work around options to switch between a SS and my tube amp setup, I’m afraid if someone else wants to watch TV and tries to ‘get it right’ that something is going to fry.  Prefer to sell as a group, as selling a single unit puts me in limbo (but would consider offers).

Here is a link to my google drive folder with pics (and info / pricing).


grace m902 (pre/dac/headphone amp) with remote


 units listed hifishark £999 /$1276 US


 (originally ~ $1850 inluding remote)




acurus 150 amp


 units listed hifishark $340




(VTA) Dynaco VTA ST120 stereo tube amp


with time delay relay, custom chassis


60w pentode, approx 35 triode mode


units go for $980 (w relay) as a kit no tubes


to $1650 wired with tubes std chassis




set 4  KT90EHs and set of 4 JJ 6550s power tubes


jj GZ34 rectifier tube, TAD rectifyer tube


Webber copper cap rectirfers WZ34, and WZ68


3 Northern Electric 12AU7s preamp tubes


rectifer tubes new, power tubes and preamp tubes


used: tube rolling /swapping in and out


original value of tubes ~$600









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