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Wanted: Radio Shack 10” woofer

Hi All, 

Im looking for a single Radio Shack 40-1036 or 40-1014a (40-1014 might work too).

Preferably NOS, or if not new I’d be looking for like new foam. 




  • Not sure, but I might have a pair I'd part with. I have no use for a single.

  • Ok, thanks Ben. I’m not in a big rush (at all) so let me see if I can stumble across a single to go with my single. If not I might hit you up.
  • Crazy thing.. I got my dats working and the two different woofers I have are the same. 

    They are are different model numbers, different vintages, 10w different rated power, and different rated sensitivities. Aside from a big plastic mag cover on the newer one, they look identical. Dats says they are.

    The Qms is different but qts comes out the same. One also has a higher fs magnitude but they are both the same fs frequency. Even the bumps in the impedance rise above fs are the same. Rest of the specs are tighter tolerance than many new drivers.

    So I guess I don’t need another woofer!
  • Qms will change the Fs magnitude, but apparently Qes is different enough to compensate for the calculated Qts.
  • Interesting. I don’t know the math or how the total q is derived. The Qms on one is 8.8, the other is like 5.something; total q on both is around .61. It’s weird because I don’t remember Qes looking real different. Sorry I don’t have the numbers right in front of me for both, just one.
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