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Get familiar with the reaction system: Introducing the Reaction System

Anybody have measurements of GRS 12PR-8?

title says it all. Id be interested in fr as well as measured parameters. Thanks in advance!


  • Disregard my request, sorry for the wasted post
  • I have some rough measurements from my LSS project. Just saw this post, will have to dig a bit.
    I have a signature.
  • Lol, I was originally going to title this post “paging JR”.

    If you have them handy I would still be interested in them. Don’t bother looking too hard on finding them and please don’t feel a rush to do it. I originally asked for them because I was thinking about putting them into an old pair of monkey coffins that I have but realized that the cabs were smaller than I remember after posting. This is why I ended up saying disregard in post number two as I think my cabinets might be too small.

    If you have some measurements though perhaps I can see how they would do in my cabinets. How big are the cabinets on the project you used them in? Thanks
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