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WTB -Rival 7" poly cone woofers

As the title says, I'm looking for a pair (or, preferably, quad) of the Rival 7" poly woofers that RAD had a while back. If anyone has some they can part with drop me a PM with what you're looking to get for them.


  • Being that it looks like the Fenrir kit is on sale again, you might be able to get them from Leon.
  • Wolf said:
    Being that it looks like the Fenrir kit is on sale again, you might be able to get them from Leon.
    I'm keeping an eye on the RAD website to see if they come up for sale again - just figured I'd try a classified here in the meantime since the Poly cone basically sold out as soon as it was listed.
  • Sorry Matt, gonna sit on mine. Too damn hard to find decent poly cones these days.
    I have a signature.
  • Completely understand JR. I had this feeling I'd be waiting for Leon to (hopefully) bring in another batch when I posted the classified.
  • The Poly driver is an OEM product. I got permission to snag 36 of them from a local company. Those sold out extremely quickly. If memory serves, I think they were all gone in 2 days. The CP was very similar in that they are OEM and sold out very quickly.
    It looks like they may have an updated version of the CP. I'm looking into that to see if I can snag some if they come available. I think they switched up the coating, but it is still called R176-CP-08.

    I concentrated more on the Kevlar drivers because I thought they would move faster. There are not allot of good Kevlar drivers out there and I like Kevlar cones. As it turns out, they are the slowest movers. Hmm. The R176-KVC will be going on sale soon.

    There is a very good possibility that I will be getting some 8'' matte black anodized aluminum drivers. I've been wanting them for a while but the MOQ hurts and they're not cheap.  We'll see.

  • Thanks for the info Gowa.
  • I just checked and there's one in the stock room. Why there's only one is anyone's guess.
  • I'll go for the single. Would you PM me with asking price + shipping to 54603 along with where to send the PayPal?
  • I wish I had to know there was interest in the Poly drivers when they were available. I could've got quite a few more of those.
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