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Peerless addicts rejoice...

The underdog favorite is $13 at Madi right now. 

That weird little ribbon is $6.50 right now, as well - I had a pair and they found an early demise due to a very powerful magnet on their ass end attracting some bullshit I had on my desk. I might grab another pair.

Whaddya think? $25 in woofers and $13 in tweeters make for a nice, cheap as shit little bookshelf? 
I have a signature.


  • Of course, shipping minimum to my house is $13.50 - dayum. 
    I have a signature.
  • Must, resist, buying, more, drivers.....   dammit JR, you're what my Mom use to call "a bad influence"  B)
  • I wont be buying anything, actually - did an inventory this week since I am too sick to do anything but sit on a stool in my shed and count drivers, and I am fairly comfortable on my inventory. I may fill the Soul with drivers this October. I sell cheap. May trade for high end beer, single malt Islay Scotch, gift certificates to Red Lobster, etc. Not sure yet. If I haul 50 drivers down and bring ten bottles of whiskey back with me I will consider it a win. 

    I have a signature.
  • I will testify that Johnny does in fact sell cheap.
  • Could be a "Stance" crusher!
  • We might be able to work something out I've got a line on some single barrel 4 Roses bourbon and some decent cab.

     John H, btw forum has decided I don't get emails
  • PWRRYD said:
    Could be a "Stance" crusher!
    Slow down...
  • Waiting for butt hurt Ben's reply in 3 2 1...
  • jr@mac said:
    ... If I haul 50 drivers down and bring ten bottles of whiskey back with me I will consider it a win. 

        Let's talk.  Without saying anything further, I ... um, know where there's a selection of small-run spirits that you will not find at your local store.         
  • Sweet! 
    I have a signature.
  •  Not familiar with the Peerless 830656, whats its claim to fame?
    Nick - that was the woofer in my ugly little MT at Dakota DIY. Nothing really amazing about them. They won't play super low, and they won't win any awards for HD. But the response is smooth - very easy to work with and easy on the ears. That, and the fact that they're surface mounted might make them the perfect woofer for 1st time designers.
  • Not saying it couldn't be better than the Stance. '656 is a 5" driver, and the RS125-4 is honestly a 4.5"; so- it honestly could be better. Just make sure the box is 'tanky', and we'll see how it goes, eh? I'm still pretty proud of that design, as it just does a lot of things right.

    I know Craig was just kidding around and trying to get me to jump on him. He has some kind of joy in trying to goad me into an argument. Craig has built a pair of Stances, and knows how good they actually do sound, learned and benefitted from the tile mass-loading, and he sold them for more than he put in them because the recipients insisted.

    DanP also really likes my Stance, so thanks for the caution on rush to judgment, Dan!

    Johnny said they were the best he'd ever heard the RS125 sound, and generally does not like the RS series.

    Nick- the '656 has a rep for ruler flat response through the mids, but not so stout/great bass response. It is also really easy to use. I agree with what Tom said about them.

  • It worked  ;)
  • PWRRYD said:
    It worked  ;)

    Sounds 'butt hurt' to me!
  • You're really mistaken.
  • Yes they did, Nick.
    I have a signature.
  • Wolf said:
    You're really mistaken.

    I think not!  Muwahahaha!
  • I used that woofer in my C-notes which came in 5th in the Iron Driver contest. It was the first ported speaker I designed and was slightly mis-tuned. Total cost for drivers and crossovers was $189 for the pair in 2012.


  • Beautiful looking speakers Ron and based on your other speakers I've heard, I'm sure these sound great.  Too bad the Stahl machine ripped off your project name.
  • That was a total shit move from PE stealing the C-Note name for a speaker kit. 
    I have a signature.
  • I totally agree- whether they knew it or not.

    I'm usually pretty big on someone finding a new name for their project, especially if it's for commercial purposes. It only takes a few seconds to google search and see if it's already been used.

  • Easier to just be Stahlbag.
    I have a signature.
  • PWRRYD said:
    dammit JR, you're what my Mom use to call "a bad influence"  B)
    Can confirm he's a bad influence ... the pair of prd100 I ordered showed up a couple days ago.
  • Anyone build this yet? Looks like a killer deal and simple to build if you leave it sealed and use a subwoofer.
  • Nice cab!
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