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FS: Rival Acoustics non-woven carbon sandwich woofers

Pair of Rival Acoustics R176-CFS-08 non-woven carbon sandwich woofers. NLA
The cones are very similar to Aurum Cantus. (if that means anything)
I figured that I'll never get around to using them, so maybe someone can give them a good home. Judging from the mounting holes, it looks like they were hooked up for testing, but I don't remember doing it. 

I don’t know much about these. I’ve had them for years and even forgot that I had them. I found them while doing a major clean-out.

$100 for all 4 drivers + shipping from L4N 1L9

Revc= 6.400 Ohm
Fr= 36.000 Hz
Sd= 132.000 cm²
Vas= 31.021 L
Cms= 1.200 M/N
Mms= 16.072 g
BL= 8.100 T·M
Qms= 5.608
Qes= 0.361
Qts= 0.339
Le= 0.130 mH 
No= 0.40 %
SPLo= 88.00 dB
Xmax= 12 mm (P-P)
Continuous Power = 70w (IEC 268-5)



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