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Eton 25SD4 1" Textile Dome Tweeter?

Has anyone had experience with this Eton 25SD4 1" tweeter? I am seriously considering it for a project and would like to get some input.

The Eton 25sd-1 is among my all-time favorites, but sadly they discontinued it. 


  • edited February 2018
    No personal experience Gowa.  I would like to try the Eton Orchestra 4-612 driver as a pure mid, they seem very nice.  But I think their published graphs look like they are taken with 1/3 octave smoothing and are redrawn by my 6 year old son with a Crayola crayon LOL.  Not what I expect from a German company... they are usually "over" precise.
  • edited February 2018
    Their published graphs are terrible for sure. But, my experience with Eton drivers has been quite positive except for the time I received 8 of their 8-800 / 37 HEX drivers with the coating all over the surrounds. Now that did look like a 6 year old's work.
    One would definitely expect more from such a manufacturer. Love the sound of their drivers though.
  • edited February 2018
    I have a pair of these. They are quite nice.
    I like Hex drivers as well.

  • I spoke to Mad about the tweeters. They tried to get more but no luck. They're gone, NLA. It was mentioned that Eton is working on another version of it.
  • That's the  Eton 25SD1 tweeter that's NLA. That tweeter amazed me.
  • edited December 2018
    Concerning the Eton 25SD4, I'm trying to figure out if the dip between 2k-3k is a hazard.
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