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Fast and furious thoughts on a design

Hey guys, trying to help a friend out (actually his wife) for a high school class thing and it requires a stereo for the gym THIS THURSDAY.  Keep in mind THE ONLY ALTERNATIVE TO THIS IS A BOOMBOX in a gym.

I have offered to potentially lend my equipment lying around, utilizing a design Chuck and Craig helped me out with paired with an Aura MR-18 subwoofer.  Problem is I don't have an enclosure for the 18".  I'm in the middle of an infinite baffle build for it so it is available to be used.  I will be in control of the levels so no one else is responsible for possible damage.  

I have plenty of power to max it out, not an issue.  

What alignment would be best for me to use?  My buddy is going to supply material.  I was thinking a horn/line variation but have heard rumblings that 18's aren't the best option for a horn.  Should I just go with a ported enclosure?  I have a 6" pvc pipe of about 36" I could use for the port.  


I also have a pair of slim 10" subs..... meh....


  • edited February 2018
    Sealed on the floor.  There's going to be plenty of boom in a gym.
     John H, btw forum has decided I don't get emails
  • Thanks John.  Seems to be the consensus.
  • This might be one of those times to try a cardboard box enclosure
     John H, btw forum has decided I don't get emails
  • Those were the days....
  • joeybutts said:
    Those were the days....

    So what are you building?
    But Chahly - Stahkist don't want speakers that look good, Stahkist wants speakers that sound good!
  • Nothing!  My buddy never got back to me ☹️

    His loss, I was gonna do everything, he just needed to provide lumber.  Sad.

    as far as the mr.18 goes, I’m doing finish work on the main structure now.  About to sand glassy the primer coats, then start laying the black.
  • That Aura 18 is a total monster!
    His  loss, your gain.
    But Chahly - Stahkist don't want speakers that look good, Stahkist wants speakers that sound good!
  • Semi IB in my vehicle with a rough mock-up it was wonderful.  I cant wait to get it wrapped up and fully
    installed, so clean and articulate for bass....
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