Have any of you messed around with spheres for your enclosure ? I know Curt built some awhile back and did the whole enclosure as the cabinet. I found some foam balls at the hobby store and mounted a ND16FA in it . Just sitting down now to mess with it. I have just the one tweeter mounted now but may put a second one in the back just out of curiosity. Also curious , do any of you know if foam with dissolve if you tried to fiberglass it?
Measure off axis by rotating the speaker and leaving the mic fixed. Those FRDs could be used to create a polar response by anyone with omnimic. If the speaker would hold together such that you could place the box on it's side you can rotate that (horizontally) to get the vertical response.
I think on axis will tell you a lot about the response as you adjust the mountings
Here are some ideas https://www.duevel.com/home/loudspeaker.shtml