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It takes a village....

Last Sunday I made the 3+ hr. trip to Roman’s (R_Carpenter) shop to take delivery of what will ultimately be my hobby-killers. Sure, I will design and build. I mean once the virus is in the blood stream, it never leaves…It just goes dormant.  However  this design that for me is the equivalent of an “all-in” attempt at my definition of as close to a perfect loudspeaker as one can get (we know there is no one perfect loudspeaker) has taken on more meaning than I could ever imagine.  

    Months  in development, these cabinets made from 1.5” ranger board with 13 layer BB ply bracing are a combination of modern CNC milling and decades of hand-made knowledge to assure the final shape, size, scope, and even the 3 degree angle on the front baffle was executed flawlessly.  The mitered corners with compound angles were a challenge in of themselves, let alone the thick material and large, heavy panels.

   The bottom line is I could never make these cabinets myself, though they are at least 50% of my design requirement. As the build progressed it occurred to me that the hours of work both mental and manual that Roman put it truly makes what will be the end product as much his as it is mine.

     Their name, “The Diomede”,  is homage to two small islands that sit directly in the middle of the Bering Strait. They straddle Russia and the US, the international time zone, and bridge two worlds together by only a matter of a few miles.  Roman and I both have Russian heritage (him far more than I), and both of us are proud to be in the USA where we are able to make a beautiful work of art mashed with technical rigor come to life.

     So a huge thanks to Roman for taking on such a challenge and as always doing a flawless job. Now it’s my turn and I can only hope I can make them sound as good as they are built AND look! Or, not ruin the look when I apply a finish.... 


kennykjhollanderNicholas_23PWRRYD4thtryTurn2Bryan@MACD1PP1NS7910ThumperTomand 1 other.


  • Wow!  
  • wow those look great! Either you're a giant or Roman is "fun-sized" like me! That's the details on drivers and such?
    deadhorse - leviathan - harbinger - shockwave (wip)
  • Channing- likely a bit of both....
  • Impressive design!  And massive.  How much do they weigh?

    Also, a little bit of this could be just an optical illusion, as Roman is standing about 2 feet further into the background.  :)

  • 4thtry said:

    Impressive design!  And massive.  How much do they weigh?

    Also, a little bit of this could be just an optical illusion, as Roman is standing about 2 feet further into the background.  :)

    Makes for a cool picture
     John H, btw forum has decided I don't get emails
  • wow those look great! Either you're a giant or Roman is "fun-sized" like me! That's the details on drivers and such?
    Hey Channing,
      Its a mix of both. Roman is average height, I am 6'3", and John nailed it, he is a couple of feet back. It is a cool illusion. 

    Driver line up is 

    2x Seas L26RFX/P 
      Morel TSCM634
      Morel EM1308

      Hiqphon OWII

  • wow those look great! Either you're a giant or Roman is "fun-sized" like me! That's the details on drivers and such?
    My size.....ahem, in height.  ;)
    ............. could you hum a few bars.
  • 4thtry said:

    Impressive design!  And massive.  How much do they weigh?

    Also, a little bit of this could be just an optical illusion, as Roman is standing about 2 feet further into the background.  :)

    Oh yeah... Weight.... I threw the Fists on my bathroom scale when complete and they tip the scales at 162lbs. I can manage them myself with a great deal of effort. I can dead-lift the Diomede off the ground about an inch myself...Empty... I would guess 180-190. Maybe tip the scales at 200+ when done? 

  • Reminds me of this shot from Iowa....
    I have a signature.
  • That is gonna be a great build, Mike. 
    I have a signature.
  • jr@mac said:

    Reminds me of this shot from Iowa....
    I think a better picture would be Channing standing next to John Sehlin, Scott's "little" brother.
  • yeah- he not so little...
  • wow those look great! Either you're a giant or Roman is "fun-sized" like me! That's the details on drivers and such?
    Hey Channing,
      Its a mix of both. Roman is average height, I am 6'3", and John nailed it, he is a couple of feet back. It is a cool illusion. 

    Driver line up is 

    2x Seas L26RFX/P 
      Morel TSCM634
      Morel EM1308

      Hiqphon OWII

    I am wondering about the BSC. Where and how are you planning to cross?

    Seas L26RFX/P is 88 db
    Morel TSCM634 is 89 db

    I am assuming full BSC for the seas woofer, but is the baffle going to be wide enough that the Morel mid woofer will not need BSC?
  • The peak of the BS will be lower, but not gone. The double woofers make for +6dB sensitivity over nominal, and then yield 94dB net. He'll have 5dB of BSC capability from the get go.

    I even had BS to deal with peak-wise in the Cecropia, and that's almost 16" wide.

  • Yes, so 94db, for the woofers 4-5 db gets it down to 90db. But how high would it need to cross to the morel mid? 300hz woul require another 3-4db on the morel getting it down to 85-86, whereas the seas are at 90.

    Or is the morel woofer crossing high at 800+ hz?
  • I don't know that you'd have to sacrifice that much output on the Morel. The BS peak will need notched likely, and then it should be fine. He's planning for a low xover at about 200Hz, IIRC.
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