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Peerless GBS experiences? Anyone try 'em yet?

So the budget I set for my car repairs left more room than I expected therefore it is time to say "Hey, let's finally do some audio up in here!" That brought me to finding the Peerless GBS low-profile woofers, this one in particular:

Has anyone dabbled with these yet? I like the published curves' off-axis response a lot so far but I'll be measuring the in-car response myself.  I'm not dead-set on using them but they would be the easiest driver to work with by a far margin. I don't want to get in there and have to hack up the doors to make something fit. 

Currently I have a bone-stock situation happening: front doors are a tweeter-like driver up high on the door and a 6"-ish woofer down low on the door. The rear doors are tweeter-less but that's not a big concern, yet. I'm thinking of making that position the mid bass area, giving them a narrow bandwidth to deal with. The doors are darn solid (it's a Volvo after all) and are pretty much completely free of buzzing. The stock drivers, on the other hand, are definitely at their end of life.

The first goal is to get the front stage working along with a sub of some design which also might involve the 10" GBS lo-pro sub. No idea on that just yet but I have to keep it relatively small and/or out of the way because I have to have the space to carry the dogs and various hobby related gear. I'm open to suggestions! I have a few Vifa ring radiator tweeters floating around in the closet that will fit the bill nicely with a bit of mount fabrication. I would like to keep this as a passive setup but I *think* I have an old Coustic active X-O in the closet if I decide to go active. Head unit will be my old and still very wonderful Kenwood CD deck, amplification will be my itty-bitty a/d/s amp for the front stage and probably one of my Soundstream Lil Wonder amps on the sub. Yes, I'm old skool and damn proud of it. I don't need a boat-load of power to be happy and I've ran the same amp setup in the past with wonderful results that could still thump balls if needed. 

There are woofers and then there are woofers. I like 'em both. 


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