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Sennheiser HD 4.50 Bluetooth Wireless Headphones with Active Noise Cancellation (HD 4.50 BTNC)

Picked up a set on Ama.
Why Bluetooth and why ANC? I spend many hours in the shop in a fairly noisy environment. CNC router can run for hours every day, exhaust fans, table saw. Anyway, this mechanical conundrum makes listening to anything but the tools rather problematic. Friend of mine let me try Momentum 2.0 which I found to be quite good but out of my price range. So, settled for a less expensive (under $200) HD 4.5 BTNC.
The set allows me to listen to anything from history lecture to the Spanish lesson while I am running CNC or a sander.
The range with inexpensive Bluetooth USB transmitter is around 15ft. Not a lot so I added Avantree Oasis.
The range now is close to a 100ft which is more than enough for me. I am not sure if aptX makes a difference for just listening but the quality is good enough.
I have not EQed the sound to my liking nor have I measured the FR of the set.
ANC is very good. CNC, ripping through MDS sounds like a muffled noise. Table saw sounds like a table-fan.
One added benefit is that the set has a build in mic. It is paired with my smartphone so if the call comes in, I can respond without even picking it up, right from the headset.



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