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  • I'm literally just learning to cook anything so im of no use on this. After being with my wife 11 years and she does all the cooking but very rarily eats chicken but no meat otherwise ive finally broken down and started to make stuff!
  • I grabbed some pork tenderloin today, Ill try to document how I prepare it. 
    I have a signature.
  • This thread is awesome.  My kids and I love any good seasoned and cooked meat of any kind. Unfortunately my wife has been on some sort of crazy caveman-foolish diet for a year where she buys/eats the most expensive shit there is at the store (meat, berries, fruit, veges, nuts) and zero spices.  Results???

    Gimme a greasy beer battered cod plate please!!!!

  • Nicholas_23D1PP1Nkennyk
    I have a signature.
  • The thread is paying off for sure! I didnt get to cook that steak i bought on the 2nd until yesterday it was just in the fridge tho. It was discolored but i cooked it and ate it anyway lol. Im not dead yet so hopefully im cook stuff sooner next time!
  • I think some good old fashioned fish n chips is overdue around here...
    I have a signature.
  • Also adding another vitamin P picture
    Finally, a proper measurement protocol in place.
  • Y'all talking about steaks and hams and I'm over hear wondering if I'm going to have chicken nuggets today, or be fancy and buy chicken strips.
    deadhorse - leviathan - harbinger - shockwave (wip)
  • jr@mac said:

    How did you get to that point?
  • Turn2 said:
    Also adding another vitamin P picture
    Finally, a proper measurement protocol in place.
    I absolutely agree!
  • I marinaded for four hours, pinned a pair together, and cooked to internal temp of 145 degrees. Sliced about 1/4" thick. 
    I have a signature.
  • grill or broil?
  • I grill - but either way, start hot, finish low. Pork tenderloins are very lean, you can probably pull them at 140 as far as that goes. 

    I am going to experiment with larding this winter - old school trick to counter lean cuts. 
    I have a signature.

  • I'll play, stuffed chicken breast with ham and Swiss, served on top of fried riced cauliflower, side of veggies. I keep the wife happy ! 
  • Chicken breast stuffed with ham and mozzarella in tomato sauce and Parmesan. 
    First, stuffed and seared on cast Iron pan. Finished in the oven at 350 for 30 min.
    Inexpensive and fairly easy to cook. Sort of my go to as far as comfort food.
  • Nice, mine is a play on cordon bleu, has a creamy honey mustard sauce

  • My last round of the old smoker. I don't fuck around.

    I have a signature.
  • USDA Choice Rib Eye.
    See you in 6 weeks big boy.

  • I can't help but watch this thread, but you guys are way beyond my grill skill set.  Well done....well done.
    My signature goes here
  • No , no , not well none :p
    Ah fuck me, how tragically ironic is this??  >>>> belly buster there for me........
    My signature goes here
  •  Now heres the rub ,
    Speaking of. I usually use Pork Barrel BBQ dry rub for ribs,
    It's actually $4 or $5 at Costco.
    What do you guys use?

  • No , no , not well none :p
    Rear all the way! If it's cooked over 125F inside, it's ruined!
  • Oh shit , you didn't mess around ! You got the slab! Jelous . Money money money , monaaaay
    This was a bit over a $100. I am thinking, 10 good steaks after aging. So, $10-$12 a steak.
    That's not bad.
  • Forgive me if I missed it but was looking for the chislic DIY.  
    My signature goes here
  • Had to look that up.
    ............. could you hum a few bars.
  • Hmmm, steak? Ok? I'll share. I've become hooked on the "cheaper" cuts of steak. The chuck-eye and flat iron in particular, and I put cheap in quotes because as people become aware of how good they are, prices keep increasing.

    Pictures?, sure!

    Flat iron from local store. This place sources local beef, but it's really buyer beware. Notice no mark of USDA grading on the package. They are USDA inspected, but not graded. This means its up to you to check the marbling of the beef. This is a pretty well marbled flat iron, as its a lean cut.

    Seasoned. Flat iron has a strong beefy flavor so it can handle a bit of seasoning. This is a custom blend of: hickory smoke, garlic powder, and porcini mushroom powder. On top of that is coarse sea salt. Let this sit out for 45 minutes or so. The longer the length, the stronger the beef flavor (salt denatures proteins to release flavor) but the saltier the end meat.

    45 minutes later. You can see how the salt has soaked in and drawn out liquid from the beef. Rinse this all off, very well. Dry and coat with coarse ground peppercorns (au poivre for the win). Slather with soft butter and sear in a cast iron pan.
    = Howard Stark: "This is the key to the future. I'm limited by the technology of my time, but one day you'll figure this out."
  • Searing

    All done, rest for 5 minutes.

    It's still not the most tender cut of meat, so I slice sorta-thin and serve:

    There we go, with a side of sauteed mushrooms, sprinkled with swiss and parmesan. The pile at the bottom is a blend of the same cheese, with added marjoram. Put a little of that onto your fork and away you go, an amazing contrast to the meat.

    Oh did I get carried away? Sorry. I love steak!
    = Howard Stark: "This is the key to the future. I'm limited by the technology of my time, but one day you'll figure this out."
  • Flatiron is the cut they serve at Thirsty Duck. High flavor, moderate tenderness. Very good steak. 

    I have skirt in the oven today, marinated overnight, seared on grill this morning, ready for steak burritoes by noon. 

    Also have these for Iowa:

    I have a signature.

  • JasonPkennyk
    I have a signature.
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