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Theater Down, theater revival.

edited February 14 in DIY

Hey guys, so my 8+1 will have to wait, My wife said NO- We're not moving for one more year. build some speakers that make you happy AND is family friendly. Shes pregnant- so she gets a bit more sway.

I agree, if I don't get speakers soon I can enjoy listening to and enjoy music again, im going to put everything in a pile in the back yard and use fire. I just lost one my 15" subs, another one is failing, another one got slathered in drain failure and sulfuric acid, so who knows how long that's going to last. My UST got hit with it also so who know about that. I currently and reduced to a theater comprised of all Klipsch R41M....
**I need a win here- **

So I figured 1.5ft^3 or less, prefer less, 50(in the 50s)HZ F3 is a must. These will also be for family music and demonic daughters dance parties. Size constraints 7.5"D max- . I was on Madisound and there are a ton of drivers listed as meeting this qualification with ease. (small box for good bass)
I have 7 total kids- 5 currently under 10years old- I need non intrusive system hence the On-Wall design. Even my subs I reduced each to 1.2ft^3

_Depending on how things go- ill pay a member here, or commission a member to cut flat packs for me. _ Or partial barter partial pay - what ever we can argue about it later.

I prefer something strong also- no wimpy 2mm xmax drivers. They need to survive demonic children random touching stuff, and me wanting my theater to sound realistic not a tin can cardboard box hallow pile of poo poo.
Example is my subs while QC and acid are killing them, lol besides that id nuke the vc long before Xmech - so they have a safety net. Its what I want for my speakers.

I thought about Seven ~FOX 2.5 DIY Kit~ thats 50% my budget just in drivers though- but I bet they would smash. Modified box obviously- but it states one woofer
Sealed box of 0.36 cubic foot for a 3dB down of 68Hz
Vented box of 0.5 cubic foot with 1.5" diameter vent by 6" long for f3 of 47Hz

Thats nice- two woofers 1.0/1.2ft^3-

I am looking into Zaph Family also but not sure. I do know I want to stick with NON metallic tweeter. I do prefer paper style woofers as I listen to aa lot of well not your music lol. _Enya, Sarah Brightman, Bocelli, Emma Shapplin _etc etc etc, but I also LOVE to hammer out the 80s, and man does it sound DISGUSTING IMO with subs. Capable speakers for the win!

Anyway- Im looking your expertise- to guide me. Im done with speakers for at least another 5years so I want something nice within my budget which is ALL IN- thats feet pics, cold snack, chips all in Prefer seven speakers $3000.

After this is done- Ill be donating, and you can fight amongst your self's or what ever but Ill be donating unless you want to barter a tiny bit all remaining drivers I have.

5 JBL D220ti
3 Celestion CDX1 1746
6 SDS-160F25PR01-08
10 RS225-4
4 6FE200
2 10FE200
3 DC300
2 TF1020
1 H2606/920000
6 Dayton Audio H6512

Thank you ahead of time! You guys are awesome-


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