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Silver Flute W17RC38-08 vs SB Acoustics SB16PFCR25-8

I haven't modeled these out to directly compare, but I thought I'd ask for any input/preferences. Preferably if you have used or heard both, but even just opinions based on parameters is appreciated.

For use as dual woofers in a slim TMWW 3-way, probably crossed over around 350 Hz. F3 of 40Hz or lower is target.

Silver Flute


Which woofer for a slim TMWW
  1. Silver Flute W17RC38-08 or SB16PFCR25-8?9 votes
    1. Silver Flute W17
    2. SB16PFCR


  • edited February 7

    Can the silver flute even meet your f3 goal with that low Qts? Or do they tend to measure differently than specs?

    Per Madisound a pair of the SBs can do 39hz f3 in 50liters. Should be able to slim it up a little and still get around 40hz.

  • @DrewsBrews said:
    Can the silver flute even meet your f3 goal with that low Qts?

    I just modeled them and I don't think so.
    I had looked at Fs and Vas quickly and posted the tread and poll, but now that I model them it looks like F3 of 55Hz is about the best I could do. For a 2-way that would be fine, and I hear these sound really nice, but to me there is no point in a TMWW three-way that only has an F3 of 55Hz (even if using 6.5 inch woofers).

    My SB16PFCR's (two-way) measured pretty close to spec. I have them in 20L with an F3 below 45Hz.

  • I voted SB for mostly the same reason. The SB is a solid driver that has a clear path to hit the 40 Hz target. I haven't heard the Silver Flute in a long time. It's always been considered a good value and easy to work with, more as a midwoofer in a small, vented two way than as a woofer in a 3-way. The main advantage I see with the Silver Flute is the larger voice coil diameter, but the better ventilated frame of the SB might wash that out.

    If I was looking for a budget driver playing in the range you are specifying, I would probably pick the Dayton DC160 over either of those.

    Keep an open mind, but don't let your brain fall out.

    Sehlin Sound Solutions
  • @ScottS said:

    I voted SB for mostly the same reason. The SB is a solid driver that has a clear path to hit the 40 Hz target.

    Yeah, Drew was right. See the post right above yours, we posted at pretty much the same time.

    If I was looking for a budget driver playing in the range you are specifying, I would probably pick the Dayton DC160 over either of those.

    My tweeter and midrange will be SB Acoustics, so I was looking to keep the woofers from Madisound.

  • The Peerless 830657 is a sleeper candidate.

    Keep an open mind, but don't let your brain fall out.

    Sehlin Sound Solutions
  • edited February 7

    The SB16 is a really nice sounding mid-woofer, but while I've used it in bass reflex test builds I don't know what its F3 is.

    Paul Kittinger kindly designed me a two way MLTL with calculated F3 of 38Hz. It was for the 'square' version but the specs look the same. Only the swear word output - not in the specs - should be different to the round one.

    I just made one test box out of scrap to mess around with, but the crossover (someone else's design) I used hadn't been designed for that cabinet. I imagine that the 'real' F3 would depend on stuffing the cabinet exactly to Mr K's specifications, which I probably didn't do.


  • edited February 8

    Modeled the SB (WinISD) and was able to get 40hz f3 with 1.5cf (42.5l). Should make for a rather compact looking tower.

    830657 will do 40hz for half the price since it is on sale at Madi right now, but needs near 1cf larger enclosure to do it.

  • @DrewsBrews said:
    ...Should make for a rather compact looking tower.

    Yes, that is the goal. I have made TMWW with dual 8's and dual 10's but not the trendy "slim" towers with 6-1/2's.

  • edited February 8

    You have these in your collection already?

  • @tktran said:
    You have these in your collection already?

    I have a pair of SB16PFC on hand and do not have any Silver Flutes.

  • I'll go contrary and vote for the SF. I know they wont dig as deep, but my experience with the cheap SB has been less than impressed.

    I have a signature.
  • @jr@mac said:
    I'll go contrary and vote for the SF. I know they wont dig as deep, but my experience with the cheap SB has been less than impressed.

    Two things I have read that make me want to at least buy the SF and test them...
    The Qts is likely to measure higher than mfg specs (but this is from a really old thread, like 2012)
    I can probably maybe decrease Fs/increase Qts a little with some kind of cone treatment (the Wet Look or Mod Podge).

    One the bright side, buying a pair of $36 woofers to measure isn't a deal breaker - it's not like I'm trying to decide between Accutons and Ellipticors.

    I do really like the SB16PFC in my two-way. One of my best speakers is where I sliced the SB16PFC - as practice on a $36 woofer before I sliced my PM180s.

  • I really like the silver flute. I used it in a bookshelf build, and really like it. I got a 42hz f3 in a .6 cubic foot box per my measured specs. I would be another vote for the silver flute.

  • @johnny5jz said:
    ... I got a 42hz f3 in a .6 cubic foot box per my measured specs....

    Do you still have those measured specs available?

  • I've never used them myself but have heard them (one of Arlis' projects?) and thought they sounded good.

  • @a4eaudio , I have 2 measurements below. I can't remember how much break in time I gave them. I also added in the WINISD response of both. Both were .6 cubic feet, one was tuned to 39hz and the other tuned to 40hz.

    I did these about 4 years ago. I still have them in my garage. I do know they will do high thirty hertz in room.

  • I've used both and prefer the sq of the Flutes.

  • I had Madisound do a LEAP crossover for the SF 6.5 and a buyout SEAS tweeter. That was 20 years ago when I was just getting into this hobby. They have very little BSC (maybe 2 dB) because I was too green to even know what BSC was. But excluding that, I've always thought they sound much better than the price of the drivers. I also have the 4 ohm versions in my car doors for the past 8 years and they have held up surprisingly well.

  • @Gowa said:
    I've used both and prefer the sq of the Flutes.

    Any chance you have measured T/S parameters sitting around? If actuals are more like Johnny5jz than mfgs, then these might work. I'd love to use them, as that would be a little more unique than SBA.

  • @a4eaudio said:

    @Gowa said:
    I've used both and prefer the sq of the Flutes.

    Any chance you have measured T/S parameters sitting around? If actuals are more like Johnny5jz than mfgs, then these might work. I'd love to use them, as that would be a little more unique than SBA.

    Sorry, I don't.

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