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Here is something different

I traded some CNC work for these book matched walnut slabs 1 3/16 thick But I'm not sure that I want to do all this work with these drivers. I have heard mixed reviews on the aluminum dome mid especially. Maybe I could build it and then give it to one of you crossover specialists for a year or two. The drivers will be rear mounted but mid and tweet will have spacer rings behind them so that their flanges will only be 3/16 or so back from the front face of the solid wood baffle. The slabs are 11 to 12 wide at their narrowest point and 7 feet long but I plan to cut them to about 4 feet. Come on with Ideas.



  • Do it.

    I have a signature.
  • @Eggguy said:
    Come on with Ideas.

    My first thought, sorry not as a speaker, but those would make (cutting one side, keeping the facing edge raw) for an interesting floating wall shelf (or two).

  • Of concern, Eggman, is that the AMT in the image maybe is more of a high midrange and does not play all the way up. JohnH used it with a supertweeter.

  • Don't listen to the whining over the metal mid. I built an RS28A-RS52-HiVi F8 3-way years ago and it is still in rotation with no plans for teardown.

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