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The Dementors - My First Menage a trois

Nothing earth shattering here. The same HiVi drivers people have used or seen used thousands of times. But, this is my first 3-way loudspeaker design and a few other firsts for me, so it was a fun learning experience with a couple headaches along the way, but I'm very happy with the results.

Dual HiVi M8N, M5N for midrange and Q1R tweeter. Cabinet is 83L tuned to 30hz with a 4" port. Veneer is Edgemate brand mahogany from Home Depot. Finish is pure Rubio Monocoat as due to the weather I wanted something I could easily apply in a single coat in my basement. Crossovers are at 380hz LR2 and 2200hz LR4. I built the crossover on three separate boards for serviceability, I figured this way if I needed to pull a board for some reason I wouldn't need to disconnect all of the speakers and connections but just those attached to the particular board that needed servicing.

I think they sound really good and are fun speakers to listen to. I built them at the behest of my daughter and son in law, who really enjoyed them during the demo I gave during voicing. They'll be heading to their house sometime soon though and I probably won't have another speaker done before InDIYana, so my hope is to see if I can borrow them for that weekend so I can bring them. But we'll see.

Used 1" open cell foam in the midbass cabinet along with polyfill stuffing. Midrange cabinet has denim lining, open cell foam and polyfill.

Crossover Schematic

Finished crossovers (minus a few final connectors)

Frequency Response - including null and individual drivers. Ignore that rise in the response below 500hz, I don't think it's real but is something REW is doing when applying the gating.

FR 0 - 60deg - not great but could be worse I suppose

Distortion at about 86db @ 1m, so not pushing them very hard but at about normal listening levels. I just finished them yesterday, so I need to give them their final measurement check to ensure everything is wired properly. I'll give them a little more juice and get a distortion measurements at a higher SPL

Final Impedance

jr@mac6thplaneta4eaudioSteve_Leerjj45GeoffMillarugly_wooferhifisidekenrhodesKornbreadand 5 others.


  • Dude, those look killer! Nice work👍🏻

  • Those look fantastic! I hope to hear them in Indy.

  • Damn looks factory fresh!

  • They look really, really nice.

  • Thank you for the kind words gentleman!

    The independent crossover boards already came in handy. During final measurements I discovered I'm an idiot and wired the connections for the tweeters in the wrong spot on both speakers :/ So, what should have been a 10 minute measurement session turned into a 2.5hr project. But the nice thing was I could go in there and just pull out the tweeter board itself and not having to disconnect everything.

    Overlay of the final FR of both speakers. A little variation in the FR of the tweeters but otherwise match well.

    Final impedance of both overlayed

    Distortion at 95db @ 1m.

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