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I got the deal of the century a few years ago when Dan P was cleaning up the shelves.
BNIB Thiel monster 12 inch sub for $145 out of pocket for me.
Unfortunately, fast forward a few years, and I just DO NOT have room for it in my living room.
So I'm selling.
In all fairness, since I got the deal here, I can't ask for more, but how about an auction,
Any money over $145 gets donated to the MAC. I think that's a win win.
So here it is!
Paypal preferred for me.
Oh my. That is beautiful.
Yeah, those sure were pretty. Somebody had one at MWAF that year. Physically, it was a monster.
InDIYana Event Website
Need to frame the cabinet with 2 X 4's . . .
IIRC, they were about 50 pounds. Edit: Now I see 35 on the box. They were heavy either way...
InDIYana Event Website
Yeah, 35 pounds, but it feel like more when I pick it up!
might be dangerous to ask but curious where in the country you are and if you plan to come to InDIYana