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RS225-4 - 10 units FS $30 ea

Heads up- a fellow over at the diyAudio forum selling them. Ex-USA.
A great price. Boggles my mind why these have not been picked up after 18 months.


  • edited January 15

    @tktran said:
    ... A great price. Boggles my mind why these have not been picked up after 18 months.

    He had these and a lot more posted on PETT. But they are local pickup and he lives in Eastern Ohio, not very close to the larger cities. I've consider getting them a few times.

  • edited January 15

    Gha.. he is like on the complete opposite side of ohio to me. Only 4.5hr drive lol

  • Thats me- They literally are just stuck to my Ibeam in my basement along with other drivers. Im not good at DIY- so I gave it up, traded off $500+ in XO parts. Wish I could do something with them or the SDS-160F25PR01-08 I have. All builds im finding are 225-8, and im not finding any "known" SDS ones. I sent Jeff? a email and message here regarding buying plans/or sharing them to his SDS build but no word, I even have I think 4 6FE200, 3 of them the dust caps got touched by little fingers, but they all have les then 4 hours used. Same with the two 10FE200, one them a kid touched. O lets see, also 5 JBL D220TI 3 Celestion 1746 lol 4 RS100-8. I have 5 kids, 6th is almost done cooking. I cant do speakers anymore- I just want to enjoy my theater, so I was selling to buy some gear. Also having them around is like a drug, I get dumb ideas to spend money I dont have on more failed builds.

  • Jeff Bagby has unfortunately passed away. He was an amazing resource for the comunity, I miss seeing him at the get togethers.
    Congratulations on #6. Kids are such a blessing.

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