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Adcom GFA-5500 recently recapped FS

edited January 15 in Classifieds

Edit: Sold

Selling my Adcom GFA-5500. $550 shipped. It sounds amazing and looks pretty dammed good too, with a couple small nicks and scratches. She's for sure had less than 50 hours of listening time since I had her recapped about 4 years ago, so it should be rock solid for another couple decades.
200 wpc/8ohm
325 wpc/4ohm

As always, you guys get first dibs then on to eBay if no one here is interested.



  • Thanks for the additional info guys - I had no idea how the company was started. That 80s/90s era of Nelson Pass Adcom stuff and John Curl Parasound stuff produced some real gems. If they're recapped and taken care of, I'd put them up against anything of similar wattage, even today.

  • Someone needs to pick this up. It's far better sounding than the new Eversolo that's $2500, Hypex ncorrs or Emotiva, but then again, it's just my opinion.

  • But... it's got meters!

  • If the needles aren't bent . . .

  • @ani_101 said:
    But... it's got meters!

    The funny part about the Eversolo amp's meters are they actually don't display level, they bounce in the middle regardless of the signal level in or out.

  • Sold on eBay in a day for $585 plus shipping. I think I underpriced it.

  • Good job on the sale! Sometimes being underpriced is better than not selling.

  • ^ this is the truth, Ken - I sold my 1959 Chevy PU truck that I kept road-worthy for 31 years under market once I got a taste of the complainers and negative clueless people that flooded my advertisement - better to sell with little stress than to debate endlessly with people you will never educate nor make happy.

    What are you going to direct the funds towards DanP? (If I may ask . . .).

  • @Steve_Lee said:

    What are you going to direct the funds towards DanP? (If I may ask . . .).

    I actually already spent the money before I sold the amp, but it was such a frivilous purchase that I had to recoup some of the money. I bought... a second electric unicycle 😂😭

  • . . . So, now you have an electric, "Bicycle"?


    Quite expensive way to go about it - post video from a head-cam, please . . .

  • @DanP said:

    @Steve_Lee said:

    What are you going to direct the funds towards DanP? (If I may ask . . .).

    I actually already spent the money before I sold the amp, but it was such a frivilous purchase that I had to recoup some of the money. I bought... a second electric unicycle 😂😭

    Is it still a unicycle if there's one for each cheek?!?

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