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Non-rare-earth magnets... Iron Nitride...

Just read a report from the Audio Voice of Audio Xpress about Niron Magnetics, their Minnesota collegiate development program, their new relationship with Misco and Warkwyn in the same city in Minnesota, and their newly developed non-rare-earth Iron Nitride (easily sourced iron and nitrogen) magnetic products. Supposedly this will give the US a new and green method for magnetics that doesn't involve the pricing volatility of sourcing NeFeB magnets from China.
The article states the usage will likely require deeper cup assemblies for drivers to get the best use of the material. This means smaller diameter like Neo motors, but longer like AlNiCo. This means mechanical excursion limits will have to be increased in general and that bottoming at Xmech will become less of a concern.
Looks like a viable alternative to the norms once the first manufacturing plant in MN is up and running...



  • Not much real data yet, but looks promising. Anything to gain an independence from sourcing outside the country is great, but possibly better for the environment and US made, hell yeah!

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