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Drivers for sale that I am only going to bring to Iowa for delivery.

No pics but I have for sale these:

HiVi 3" dome midrange, used for $90/pr

Dayton Audio 8" Aluminum Designer, used for $60/pr

One pair (or two if someone wants to do a nice little MTM) of used 4" aluminum cone drivers I snagged from AliExpress. Excellent build quality. Brad has measurements for these on his monster thread. Nice little midbass. $30/pr or $50 for all 4:

Very interesting driver found on AliExpress. Used 5" with carbon fiber cone and very long throw design, I estimate 8mm of Xmax. I used them in the Ersatz build. Excellent build quality and good looking to boot. $60/pr.

Interesting tweeter found on AliExpress. Used, 110mm aluminum faceplate, ceramic dome. Large chamber. Brad has measurements of the unmodified version which shows an interesting step in the response curve. Have to see it to believe it lol. These have been modified, however, by dicking around with the stuffing and eliminated the oddity. Used these in the Ersatz build. Very low distortion above 1.5k. However, this pair is not particularly closely matched. Perfect for a budget build that will look high end and sound decent enough considered they are not well matched. $20/pr

Again, I am not interested in shipping any of these and I have been known to take reasonable offers. All five of these drivers are, IMHO, good bargains at my asking prices and I really want to move them along. So buy them.

I have a signature.


  • edited October 2024

    I only have the 8" Dayton and 3" dome for sale, rest went locally.

    I have a signature.
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