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SB Acoustics SB16PFCR25-4


  • Does the 8-ohm version count?

    One of the best values out there in my opinion. These (with a different tweeter than in the picture) played at InDIYana 2023 and SDC 2023. They have DIY slit cones. Lots of people heard them and said they sounded good.

    These (with stock woofers - not slit) played at CSS Detroit 2023 and Iowa 2023.

    I tried them because PWRRYD and Geoff Miller had used them and said good things about them. And they were correct!

  • They are indeed a very good driver, especially for the modest damage in Oz;


  • @GeoffMillar said:
    They are indeed a very good driver, especially for the modest damage in Oz;


    Did you measure distortion?

  • Below is a not very accurate distortion measurement. This is just the on-axis measurement in REW (on a 9.5" wide baffle with 3/4" roundovers), which saves distortion data, but it is at 1 meter, probably around 86db. For a dedicated distortion measurement I would have measured closer and louder. Also, the raw SPL measurements from 0 to 180 degrees.

  • Is it just me or is the 3rd a bit high in the midrange area?

  • edited July 2024

    Yes, looking at the graphs does indicate that. But...

    I guess it depends on what you expect from a $36 woofer.
    My target is 3HD down 40db and it is basically down that much except 3 narrow peaks where it is down 38db.
    I crossed them to a tweeter at 2.2khz so for my final complete speaker the HD3 peak at 1.5khz is pretty much the same as the raw driver, down about 38db, the peak at 1.9khz is down 42db and the final peak at 2.3khz is down 50db.

    I do have rules of thumb I TRY to follow about distortion levels, but realistically if they subjectively sound good to a bunch of peoples' ears then I'm not going to spend time worrying about it. (I do get why someone else would have a different opinion on that.)

  • They are very good performing and sounding woofers. If you think plastic frames are only for cheap bad sounding woofers then don't buy them. If you think a $36 woofer should have SOTA distortion like a Purifi woofer does then don't buy them.

  • @Gowa said:

    Did you measure distortion?

    I don't have any measuring equipment, only my ears, but they sound very good to me: not up to RS180P standard of course, but very similar to a Peerless 830657 or SDS160. Not quite as deep in the bass as a DC160 but much cleaner mid range, plus they don't run out of puff like the Dayton on bass heavy tracks such as The Band's 'Up on Cripple Creek'.

    I have the 8 ohm 'square' version which has the same specs as the round one. Not sure if the 4 ohm version would sound any different. $50 in in Oz, a real bargain.


  • @PWRRYD said:
    They are very good performing and sounding woofers. If you think plastic frames are only for cheap bad sounding woofers then don't buy them. If you think a $36 woofer should have SOTA distortion like a Purifi woofer does then don't buy them.

    Come on man!

  • I'm using the square framed SB20PFC30-4 in 1 cu ft w/ a 3" X 5" round port and they are the bee's knee's (good in every way). For the money they can't be beat (IME).

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