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Missing Fundamentals

Hi all, been a while, hope all is well for all of you.

Question for you all.. if bass is disturbing the neighbors (say about 60hz in this case - PA type application), would a processor that removed the fundamental frequencies and relied on psychoacoustics help this?

I never saw the sub but I suspect it is some sort of horn or band pass, AudioTools on my phone picked out a clear 63 hz spike on every track.

So instead of actually having a 60 hz tone you are actually increasing simultaneously the output of the harmonics. 120, 240, etc.

I’m talking with someone who has outdoor music and it is very reasonably low in volume but the thump thump thump is audible in the next building over.

Thoughts? Will ditching the bass fundamentals help this even if the bass still “sounds like it’s there”? Or will it still sound like it’s there in the next building too?



  • So you may not be able to remove the 60 Hz tune from the horn because it's a 60 Hz horn and any frequency will generate 60Hz, like a pipe organ. If it's not horn you have a better chance of tuning out the offending frequency. Something in the next building is sensitive to 60 Hz or a fundamental. Best case would be to play test tones and ask the neighbors if it's better or worse.

     John H, btw forum has decided I don't get emails
  • Thanks John. Not sure on the sub type, just guessing based on the response characteristics. I’ll find out.

    What I’m thinking that if they can get the full range speakers to boost some of the harmonics the one note wonder sub could be reduced or removed from the equation.

    I guess I’m curious though if it works backwards where the harmonics of the 60 hz would excite the 60hz issue in the building adjacent.

  • Increasing the fundamentals around 60 Hz is not reducing the offending frequency.

    Tho you measured a 60 Hz peak it could easily be another frequency that's rattling a window or glass on a shelf.

    I'd brick the response at 80 Hz and see if the issue remains. You could work your way down to 60 Hz and lower after that. The offending frequency could be a multiple of the distance from the speaker to the next building.

     John H, btw forum has decided I don't get emails
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