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2way with extended horn

edited May 2024 in DIY

This looks tempting- at +600Hz above 100dB eq’ed vs the ESS amt



  • That is awfully expensive for home use and you still have to buy another driver plus 2 90x40 horns that weren't specifically disclosed. A pair of Heil AMT's can be had for about 1/4 of the cost . . .

    Otherwise, they look great!

  • edited May 2024

    @Steve_Lee said:
    That is awfully expensive for home use and you still have to buy another driver plus 2 90x40 horns that weren't specifically disclosed. A pair of Heil AMT's can be had for about 1/4 of the cost . . .

    Otherwise, they look great!

    Yes, no doubt the Heils are a great relative value…but the chance to get the Xover even further below and out of the 1 to 4kHz range… Not all the way to (a gleeful) 380Hz, but 600 potential vs 800Hz is significant (with much more dB headroom). I’ve become a fan of ‘Four-Midables’ but a chance to x out a supplemental super-tw, and with a two-way is tempting.

    The downside being the concern of upper mid ‘coloring’ vs a broad-range mid+ conventional driver (non-horn) which I find incredibly clean and appealing.

    EDIT: I have my previous two-box build in the basement that I could replace the top coaxial... It is setup as active btwn the push-pull woofer box and the coaxial, so easy-peasy to play around with Xovers to a new top. Its the $$$ that's giving me a bit of heartburn. Pair $1g with horns, ouch.

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