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Not in Time/Sync Music Tracks that sound fine . . .

edited May 2024 in Related

Been having discussions of late about drum timing perfection to a metronomic beat and how not much real music follows it.

Is Def Lepper's "Rock of Ages" or Alvin Lee's, "Bluest Blues" in perfect time?


Def dudes -

Alvin -

Why do they sound fine just as they were produced?


Must be the groove/swing . . . and then there is all that Led Zeppelin stuff to consider . . .



  • That Alvin Lee track is marvellous, has George Harrison on slide guitar. I like it when time's a little 'off' as it sounds like there are real people playing instead of a drum machine or computer. Even subtle variations in time make a difference to the 'feel' of a track.

    Ringo would be an exception, as he has great time but also sounds human.


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