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Ideas for next years Indiyana theme



  • Necessity breeds invention....

  • Profit motive breeds invention :)

  • Quite a few inventions are accidents, not driven specifically by need or profit.

    I have a signature.
  • I have given this topic quite a bit of thought, and I still need to think some more.

  • edited May 2024

    I'm still trying to cram a ribbon inside/between a Mid/MW that will reach it.
    So far the Dayton PC83-8's and this Ali Express Ribbon [inbound via mail] are on my future attempts:

    I have fallen out of love for XO to a subwoofer as I experiment more for music reproduction/playback - that sub just puts too much of the dynamics/impact into the floor and away from your ears to be fulfilling to my ears.

    Mids just sound so much more detailed/un-distorted if XO'd higher than 150 Hz . . . like 250 ~ 300 Hz . . . still experimenting . . . Still headed towards a 4-way without a sub at this point . . .

  • Off the shelf crossover. No modifying.



  • edited May 2024

    Just thinking out the 1.5way idea has my head buzzing. No chance to tune port resonance above lowpass frequency since there is none. And having difficulty finding PRs that will work well with the tuning that would typically be found for the fs/qts combo of wideband/fr drivers. All current commercial pr options seem to have too much mms to begin with.
    Might come down to either buying cheap subs and knocking the magnets off or buy some replacement surrounds and glue in 1/4" plywood circles. Tune mass with trial and error.

  • Did I say the 0.5 had to be the same as the widebander? I don't recall saying that...

  • edited May 2024

    True, yeah that would stretch into some interesting territory.

  • How about a 6 or 7 inch coaxial as a wideband and an 8 or 10 inch woofer as the 0.5 ?

    I like where the discussion is going . . .

  • @Steve_Lee said:
    How about a 6 or 7 inch coaxial as a wideband and an 8 or 10 inch woofer as the 0.5 ?

    I like where the discussion is going . . .

    Well that would hardly be a 1.5, then.

    I have a signature.
  • Technically speaking ^ of course but a coaxial with the XO already installed by the manufacturer makes it a wideband, me thinx.

    These 5 inchers actually sound quite good -->

    Planning an 8" MCM-55-5670 as the woofer and making a fairly compact monitor out of the combination.

  • edited May 2024

    @Steve_Lee said:
    Technically speaking ^ of course but a coaxial with the XO already installed by the manufacturer makes it a wideband, me thinx.

    Still a 2-way. just a premade 2-way.

  • edited May 2024

    OK. I build for my own amusement/experiments. Carry-on.


  • How about a brand requirement? MCM only?

  • @DaveFred said:
    How about a brand requirement? MCM only?

    Now known as Multicomp Pro, and sadly most of the actual good to great drivers are NLA. Would be a fun theme however.

    I have a signature.
  • I feel that your MAC drivers fill a few of the MCM holes. The MAC-05 seems to perform similarly to the MCM 55-2669.

  • edited May 2024

    Q: Generally a 1.5 way is envisioned with a W as the ½, supplementing the full range ‘1’ driver.

    But, additionally, there are speakers that implement a broad range W (thinking a W with a nice smooth roll-off) running full range without a LP filter, that is supplemented by a high frequency driver.

    So if the challenge does end up as a 1.5 way (with some parameters) I’d hope both implementations would be acceptable (to provide a bit of variety). Just my 2 cents.

  • @DaveFred said:
    How about a brand requirement? MCM only?

    Or Misco. They don't get any love.

  • Misco makes some great products too.

  • edited May 2024

    Yeah, Bold North!

    I have had parts in the cart for a long while, but just can't hit the buy button. They are not cheap...

  • Agreed - I looked again today and couldn't do it.

  • Yeah, DESIGNED to handle 1kHz xovers.

  • That looks like a pretty bitchin dome tweeter.

  • edited May 2024

    I listen to the Bold North silk dome tweeter every day, it sounds great to me! It is crossed high first order, as typical for my designs (1uf cap)

  • That got me thinking, how about a first order crossover contest? Bring on the well behaved drivers!

  • Would be interesting but i bet that would open a can o worms on technicalities.

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