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The most coveted vintage gear

Skylabs Audio is a vintage shop in West Des Moines, IA.

The TL;DR version is:
1. Marantz 2270
2. JBL L-100 speakers
3. Klipsch Heresy, Cornwall speakers
4. Cerwin Vega speakers
5. Pioneer SX-850, SX-980
6. Harman/Kardon 430, 730
7. Sansui G Series

There are some nice tidbits within, including some commentary about the iconic maxell ad.



  • edited April 2024

    I lent my Marantz 2270 to my sister (decades ago) and she doesn't know what ever happened to it :/

  • I currently only have one on the list - an SX-850. I'm still looking for an SX-950 in decent shape at a reasonable price, but I'm not holding my breath. I did a restoration on a guy's HK 730 not long ago. Nice gear to work on. Sold my beat up JBL L100s to him the same month.

  • I like my Adcom GFA-555 II's...

  • @Tom_S said:
    I currently only have one on the list - an SX-850. I'm still looking for an SX-950 in decent shape at a reasonable price, but I'm not holding my breath. I did a restoration on a guy's HK 730 not long ago. Nice gear to work on. Sold my beat up JBL L100s to him the same month.

    Vintage gear has doubled and in some cases tripled in price in the last 4 years. A simple Marantz 2240 receiver could be had for about $500-550, three years ago. Now people are asking $2,000. Pardon me for saying this but people are stupid.

  • They have been finicky but I love my Soundcraftsmen MA5002A and matching SP4002 pre-amp. They look great rack mounted next to a big pair of towers.

  • I just got a message from the guy with the HK730 I rebuilt. He picked up an SX-1250 with no wood case and the power cord has been cut. He's offering to sell it to me at a pretty reasonable price. I'm going to meet him this afternoon, so we'll see...

  • Isn't that the mac daddy of Pioneers?

  • Yeah - top of the line for that year. 160 w/ch and around 65lbs!

    I just got back from meeting him. Sadly, it looked like a 7 yr old went at the internals with a screw driver and a pair of wire cutters. The huge power transformer was flopping around, a relay had been torn off a board, and it looked like one board was completely missing underneath. Too much of a risk for me.

  • I found a transformer and the missing fuse board on eBay, so I just made him an offer that he accepted. It's not going to be easy or cheap, but I haven't lost a patient yet!

  • I would call the Pioneer SX-1980 the MAC Daddy of receivers.

  • For that series and year, yes! More power than the 1250 or 1280 and a few more features, but I'm told it also runs hotter and cooks power supply parts on occasion. There seems to be some disagreement (like most any topic in audio - ;) ) about whether the x50 or x80 series sounds better.

  • From the look of the equipment on that flyer, I might be too young

  • That would be a very dangerous event for my bank account.

  • edited April 2024

    You lucky dog. Hopefully good equipment not stupidly over priced.

  • Are you going to check it out Eric?

  • edited April 2024

    I know what I got. NO LOWBALLERS!

  • A few wears from the meet. Man it was hard not to haggle! Lots of Marantz stuff. Decent turn out. I met up with Jerry McNutt and we perused the goods. I did by a set of speakers. I thought possibility for guitar drivers, guy said $20 for the pair, I jumped.

  • Huh, coaxs..

  • You should have grabbed those Allegros! :p

  • edited April 2024

    I had one of these as my second turntable, it sounded great but the rubber suspension went and at the time, couldn't be replaced so I sold it. Naturally, the kit was re-manufactured two or three years later....

    These were a British made, very accurate and simple turntable which are now collector's pieces, going for around A$500, depending on the tonearm and cartridge. Fully manual with just a lift-off at the end of the side.

    Actually, considering inflation, they're probably cheaper now than when new. I got mine for free by writing a nice review for Encel Stereo, the iconic Melbourne hi fi shop which was established in the late 1950s.

    Many were fitted with a Grace arm, good old Shure cartridge and reportedly gave similar performance to much more expensive turntables.


  • I currently run my computer speakers with a Proton 930 which came out in 1984. It's a 30 WPC receiver that is rated to do 60 watts into 2 ohms. It was made in the same factory as NAD and post 90's Dynaco. It looks a lot like NAD stuff but apparently has different circuitry.

    I stole this image off the internet so I wouldn't have to clean off my desk.

    These don't go for much but Proton made some big power amps with lovely meters that can be pricey.

    Proton AA-1150 Dual Mono Amplifier 150WPC.


  • Wow, they even used the same buttons & knobs as NAD. I had always heard it was good stuff. The music store (instruments, not records) I worked at in college picked up Proton to sell along side the studio gear. I wonder if they had the same sales rep as Fostex?

  • edited April 2024

    Maybe it's just me, but I've always lusted over the simplicity of naim's. If I didn't run 2+2 with an A/V preamp I'd probably get one. If I could just figure out how to add surround channels... I've even thought about just going with a Hafler circuit but don't want to run it off of my mains amp. I don't believe it is possible to just run a second amp with just the Hafler connection (+ with +) for the surround speakers, suggestions / ideas ???

  • There's somebody in my area selling a Sansui 5000x for $400 a Sansui 5050 for $300, and a Knight 333 tube receiver for $200. They all look like they are in pretty nice condition. Are any of these worth it? What would be a fair price for the best of that lot?

  • Sansui made some pretty nice sounding gear which always looked cool. I've seen the 5000x for USD $500-$800 which sees rather steep. The 5050 seems cheaper, at least in Oz - about A$400 for a "fair condition" example.

    My sister has a 5050 which sounds really nice, bought it new and never had a problem despite many years of cranking up The Who at maximum volume!


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