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AliExpress 4" cast frame midbass

Quantity: 4
Cast frame with a vented back plate, venting under spider. I had originally bought two, dropped one and cracked the frame. I tore that one down and measured 5mm of overhang Xmax.

Pretty nice little woofer, works well in a vented enclosure.

Here is a model using two of them, in 0.375 cubic feet with 0.5 ohm series resistance:

Could go bigger and get a little more extension. Still, 50Hz is impressive for a 4" driver, and two in parallel along with the 5mm of Xmax will allow for reasonable output, as well. Will take 16 watts without exceeding Xmax and reach almost 100db on the bottom end before baffle step losses. With the rise in response on the bottom end, full BSC may not be necessary. Overall impressive performance potential for such a little feller.

Anyways, $75/shipped to the lower 48 for the quad. Two have been used in a project, the other two are virgin. Will be packed well. For another $10 I will throw in the snazzy copper nipple tweeters and you could build a sweet MTM. Brad measured those, as well. Gotta search his IEC thread.

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PayPal only. My PP email is not my regular email.

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  • $70 with the copper nipple tweeters included.

    I have a signature.
  • Brad posted the copper nipple tweeter data on March 27 in his IEC thread. Looks like a nice little MTM project.

  • @PWRRYD said:
    Brad posted the copper nipple tweeter data on March 27 in his IEC thread. Looks like a nice little MTM project.

    Yes, I believe they would. Maybe I'll just knock one together one of these first weeks. Should be pretty straightforward.

    I have a signature.
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