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OT - Disney on Ice

I just got home from taking the family to Disney on Ice.  Our local venue (BMO Center) seats about 8000 and is where our local Semi-pro hockey team plays (farm team for the Chicago Blackhawks).  It was a typical Disney production with great skating, great costumes and props, awesome light show and effects, but horrid sound!  The music was ok but the prerecorded dialog was way too loud and very shrill.  It actually gave me and my wife headaches.  Too bad, I've seen a couple dozen rock concerts there and the place can actually sound quite good.


  • That's unfortunate to hear. I went to the Disney California Adventure Park and I was blown away by the water show's sound system as it was clear they went above and beyond to achieve this kind of sound. I think they went so far to make a dedicated multi-channel soundtrack, because I can localize the different instruments at different places, which means it has to be they made a separate channel where this instrument only played on one speaker to make the illusion of an instrument coming from one place.
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