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New DIY workbench

You can never have enough workbench and my shop didn't have a proper one. The new one is 12' by 2' with a 2' x 4' bump out in the middle. The lower shelf is for hardwood storage and anything else that it has room for. I plan to mount my benchtop tools on panels that I can shuttle in and out of the bump out so I can work with longer pieces of wood without interference from other tools. There is room on the floor for other tools that are stored in their own cases.

The frame is all 2x4 lumber assembled with concrete screws to the block wall and pocket screws. The top panels are biscuit jointed together just to keep the joints smooth and are not glued. They are kept in place by a couple of strategically located screws on the ends of the bench.




  • Hell yeah on more bench space! Nice🤘🏼

  • I mounted my bench top tools on panels that I can slide around and moved the hardwood to the bottom shelf.


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