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Drivers for sale.

(Will post pictures later)
Rival 8" carbon fiber woofers. Good for medium sealed or largish vented. $150/pr or $275 for all four.

Rival 4ohm 5" midwoofers, used. $85

TL carbon fiber and ceramic tweeters, rectangular version. Will ship with some kickass 8" waveguides that were turned by Ugly Woofer. $150/pr.

Dynavox 6.5" poly woofers, used. $75

All prices are shipped to lower 48. We can discuss other shipping options, but it gets spendy in a hurry.

Might have others I will be listing. Also open to trades, looking for a high end 6-7" woofer to pair with a Viawave SRT.

I have a signature.


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