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Next subwoofer build.

edited May 2023 in DIY

Let's say a fella has a quad of those 10" 8 ohm Scanspeak-built XXLS style Aerial buyout woofers. Let's also say he has a Dayton Audio 250W plate amp and is possibly looking to boost the bottom end a bit in his living room.

Doing some modeling, I like how a pair looks in one cubic foot, sealed. With a 60Hz low pass filter in place and the 30Hz boost active - the predicted F3 is around 30Hz. Hoffman rears his head on a build like this so it is not particularly sensitive but... With full 250W input it is still capable of >103db output in the pass band. Couple it to the room by corner loading and it should offer significant output down to the plate amps high pass filter.

Modeled peak SPL:

Modeled excursion - well within the advertised 12.5mm:

If I had a 500W plate amp with DSP I think I could really do some magic with these drivers, but I have what I have. Given how within its excursion limits this design would represent, I think it will be very clean.

I guess I will be making some sawdust soon. This little fella deserves to be built.

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