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Tang Band W6-1721 pair for sale

Gauging interest on these ahead of this weekend's InDIYana event. I've got a pair of TB W6-1721 monsters up for grabs. Thinking $220 for the pair, obo, and I can have them available on Saturday in Fort Wayne. Really not interested in shipping these as I don't have the original boxes.

These were purchased several years ago second hand. Never used by me. I will provide measurement sheets for interested parties.

Anyone need MORE midwoofers? Lol.

Thanks guys.

My signature goes here


  • IF anyone is interested in these, Paul Kittinger modeled an MLTL for me using these drivers that I can share. Modelled using my actual T/S parameters. I couldn't get them done by InDIYana but should have them done for MWAF/SDC.

    Cabinet is (external) 8.5w x 39.5h x 10.4d. F3/6/10 is 30Hz, 28Hz, 25Hz

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