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Get familiar with the reaction system: Introducing the Reaction System


  • Looks like the PL18 without the under spider venting PE discontinued over 10 years ago for like $36.
    (I have no direct experience with the M18 above.) Looks nice though. In the currant inflation it probably isn't to over priced performance wise. Buyout/NLA wise maybe overpriced.
    I think Nick bought a pair of M18s. I hope he chimes in.

  • Interesting. Might be worth buying a pair to see if I can make a "Working Man's CanTiLena".

    I do love that last key feature - "Rigid cast aluminum frame securely holds everything together"

  • edited March 2023

    This driver looks to be is based on the ancient Vifa M18WO. That one is 30 years old.

    There are better choices these days, eg RS180P is a better driver and better value too

  • I know it’s a dinosaur of a design, but (my opinion only of course) those old vifa/scan pulp drivers sound really good. I think PEs price is too high on these, but that works out because it keeps me from being tempted to buy some lol.

  • Spot the dinosaur...

  • If that is a game, and RS180P VS M18WO, then the RS is on the right, correct?

  • @tktran said:
    This driver looks to be is based on the ancient Vifa M18WO. That one is 30 years old.

    There are better choices these days, eg RS180P is a better driver and better value too

    fs: 45.8Hz

  • @Wolf said:
    If that is a game, and RS180P VS M18WO, then the RS is on the right, correct?

    I agree that the buyout deal isn't anything amazing, but the Scanspeak buyout is $60 and the RS180p $63. I got the similar Scanspeaks that were 16 ohms with a truncated frame - but they were $45 which appeared more to my thriftiness.

  • If wood and crossover part prices were still what the they were 10+ years ago, and I wasn't so burnt out making perfect driver rebates... I would buy some of these PE buyouts for future projects.

  • PE is pricing their buyouts pretty high these days.

    I have a signature.
  • @jr@mac said:
    PE is pricing their buyouts pretty high these days.

    Correct. I can't remember the last time I purchased from PE.

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