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2023 3-way monkey coffin project

Wanted to try something different so a monkey coffin it is. I already have multiple subs so I’m looking at more loudness and presence than extension. I’ve also been fascinated by Sigberg Audio from Norway and his experimentation with cardioid and an even bigger box, so I plan on experimenting with that as well.
Drivers are 10” Dayton PA255-8, Tang Band W5-1611SAF as the mid (thanks DanP), and the XT25BG60 beast nipple. I wanted to use a FaitalPro cheap 10” but back order date keeps getting extended and the Daytons were recently on sale. I hope to try a standard 3-way, an active cardioid, and a Visaton 148 waveguide if I get the time and inclination to rework the baffle and see what a 2k versus 25-2600 xo will sound like with the TB. Test boxes will be particle board I had and a lot of bracing. Work has been very busy thankfully so progress will be slow. Got some progress with boxes and baffles cut and need to do some cleaning up. Mdf and plywood braces and blocks will be glued in behind screw holes. I’ve added the pics of my foul weather setup. Impossible for prying eyes from above to see how big the box and 10” really are.



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